I've Been Submitted, Finally
Thank you Kathy! I'm working hard. I have a cousin that I want to set an example for and in order to do that I have to take the reigns and lead myself in the right direction first. I have to say that the people on this board are the reason I have survived this long ordeal all of this time.
Diane this board is a wonderful life saver. I don't know how I would have gotten thru the last 4 years if it wasnt for this board. I've seen a lot come and go, news come on. I've tried other boards and there is no comparison. This is a great bunch and we're all here for each other. That includes you too. Things will happen not when we want to happen but when God is ready. We d the ground work and he leads us to the right Dr. and makes sure everything else comes together. You just have to trust Him to help you thru all this. You're in my prayers.

Yes, Kathy this board is a true lifesaver. It is very encouraging. I too have been to other boards but I feel out of place. I love the support here, and you are right God allows things to happen when he is ready. I have to say that He lead me in a direction that I never thought I'd go but He let me see things differently. I do trust and believe and will always rely on God. Thank you so much. Keep praying for me we all need it!