need you'r prayers
Good Morning, woke up this morning everything has gone crazy. It's just one of those day's that you wish you could just go back to bed and pull the covers over you'r head.My husband is totally driving me in sane. Having car problem's , and i'm praying it dosen't get any worse . Just remember me today in you'r prayer's Thank's for listening GOD BLESS YOU GUY'S

I understand completely what you are talking about. It seems, the one thing I have not read anywhere or been told (that I can remember), is for women (could be for men too, but I don't know) that this surgery will also work over your hormones. I know you haven't had yours yet, but even just getting ready and preparing for it really works on your emotions, hormones, and everything else. Hang in there, it will get better. Those are the days when you just have to smile, get on your knees a little more often and use this group as your sounding board. I will be sure to say an extra prayer for you over the next few days. I keep a daily devotional book on my desk and I just looked at it as I was typing my replay to you and had to laugh out loud (literally). This is so a God thing. The title for today's devotion is "Cling to God". The verse is Psalm 63:8 - My whole being follows hard after You and clings closely to You; Your right hand upholds me. So, I say, Cling to God and let His Right Hand hold you up as you go through today. Then tonight be sure to give Him all your thanks and praise.
Hugs to you my friend,
Thank's guy's sometimes it's just good to vent,but you know we all need to stand back and give GOD the Praise .With out HIM nothing is possible .And I'll be the first one to admit sometimes we forget where GOD has brought us from and where HE will take us . SO DON'T FORGET ALWAYS GIVE GOD THE PRAISE!!!!!!! Thanks for be so understanding and remember we are all just a click away You'r Today's are someone else's Yesterday's