Were back and trying to get back on track
Hello everyone, just want to say thanks for all the well wishes for everything that has been going on with us. We got back from KY late last night. Got to meet some of Phil's family that I have never meet and the ones that I had meet had not seen me since my surgery were amazed and boy did I need to hear that with these extra 3lbs. I hate to use a funeral to have a WOW moment, but I did. Everyone is doing as good as could be expected. Phil is feeling better, how do I know, well he sure is talking alot more, and you all know if Phil is talking then he his feeling good.............LOL Hate that we missed the dinner club sounds like it was a real good time, and what is this no pics, ya'll must have been baddddddddddd and didn't want any evidence......lol. I can hardly wait until the Lunch Bunch, I soooooooo have missed seeing/talking to everyone, I need my peeps to help me get back on track. Hope all of you have a wonderful day.....Cheryl
Hi Cheryl,
Glad you guys are back safe and sound and that Phil is feeling better. Yes, Wow moments are just the thing we need sometimes to get us back on track..
You and Phil were greatly missed at the dinner...The pictures are in a secret hiding place for use at a later date. Got some good ones too.. you know Ms. Barb is hard to keep under control when we get her out in public (you know the typical dancing on the table, etc..) and Marie!! well we won't even go there, we will just leave it at thank goodness there were no lamp shades in easy access. And I must make a *note to self* have talk with Juanita about talking way too much and no one else can get a word in edge wise.... LOL
Okay so truth is our resident photographer Bill was taking the night off from his day job and was ever so wonderfully taking care of our Susie Q so we will let him off the hook and our other resident photographer Scott along with Ms Beth were MIA so no photo ops there. Now Scott has explained his absence so we have to let him off the hook too, plus his sister Melissa #1 was there so we will have to say Scott was there by proxy. We do have two Melissa's so someone has to be Melissa #1 and the other one has to be Melissa #2. Oh yea we also have Alyssa which is the ring leader of the Dinner Club get togethers and she gets extra hugs and kisses.
You have a wonderful day too....So happy you are back...
Uh UH UH FYI HUH I don't remember Melissa, Juanita, sisters Help!!! Save me!!!!
MySpace Graphics & MySpace Layouts
I plead the 5th!!!!
Hugs and Love Barb