We got off our butts this afternoon and went and walked about 0.8 mile around the block. Up an hill and around the block mind you. Chi-chi actually went with us, and she walked this time instead of being pulled. It felt good to get out and walk. Hoping the weather continues in this path. Of course by the middle of the week I will be ready for a snow day! hehe Have a good evening.
I got up bright and early, went with Tim & the dog for a walk... then went to Goodwill store where I walked... and then another Goodwill store... where I walked some more... not to mention the calesthenics I did while trying on clothes... I got quite a workout, and now I am exhausted! Out all day long! But, I would love to keep on going like the energizer bunny. Tim was tired. We had to go home.
Okay Mr.Bob,
While you were laying on the couch probably exercising your fingers by pressing the buttons on the remote control I did laundry.
Now you have to understand to fully appreciate this when I was a much larger person I used to go upstairs (which was an ordeal within its self) and gather the dirty laundry and bed linens that needed to be washed and go to the top of the stairs landing and start chunking all the items over the rail so they could hit bottom on the lower level.
Then I would proceed to go back down the stairs which was a lot easier than going up them but a little more treacherous (I know this cause I fell down em before) (no don't worry I was okay).
Once downstairs facing my mountain of laundry all on the floor I fetched my handy extended picker upper gadget, you know, the thing that you grip and it extends out about 3 feet and you can pick things up with it so you don't have to bend over.. Yea I called it the gripper.
So using the gripper I sorted all the colors and non colors one stinking piece at a time cause if you put more than one item in the gripper extension thing it drops the items when you almost get it to the basket so that irritated me. When I finally got to the washing machine I did the same thing. Pulled each item from the basket to the machine using the gripper.
Using this method took me about 2 days to do the laundry and I was so debilitated from the whole ordeal that I had to bribe the kids with something ridicules to take all the clean items back upstairs.
Today is a different story.. I sprinted up the stairs gathered all the laundry and bed linens, sorted them by color by bending over and picking them up using my own hands (no gripper) and took one load at a time going back down the stairs and upon their completion sprinted back up the stairs to store them away. I figure I stair sprinted a good 20 times.