oops what date change??
I know that I told ya'll that 24th of Mar. was my date for my Surgery. Well they Called me from Vandy today, guess what, they have moved it up to the 12th at 10:00. How about them horns HEHE!!! I will start the liquid diet on the 4th, yup,when we all meet at logan's I will enjoy the true taste of the instant breakfast yummie. But that is great, it means that my time has come to walk the walk as Bob would say. Thank you so much for sharing tonight it was helpful and awesome. Hugs and luv to each and everyone. Barb
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I was so excited, I know that just having Susan there and back it was the #. 1 thing, I am grateful, overjoyed for her, She just looks TERRIFIC!!! It was her night to SHINE, and man she did!!!!! All dressed up in a beautiful sweater and dress pants, WowWee GIRLEE!!!! I was just so thankful that she shared my news, she had told me to tell everyone, but my voice does not carry. Bless her heart the sweetie she is She did it for me. I love her so. Hugs to you Trina Love you hon.Barb

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Hi Barb, I heard something from Susan but couldn't make out what she said as we were still in the food line. Congrads girl and it was great to meet me. Rick said he enjoyed himself a lot getting to be in the company of some many who have lost so much weight. We want to go back to that restaurant soon. Both of us love it. It was a new experience for both of us. I know I enjoyed getting to see old friends and make new ones. Logans makes a great ministromy (sp) soup, just don't eat the veggies in the broth. When ever we go to Logan's I always just get a small bowl of their potatoe soup, I love it as it's so cheesy. I tried the salmon, didn't go over with my pouch so much.
Just think, ole Scott will be making your losers bench real soon. How exciting. In fact you'll be having your surgery when I see the pain specialist that morning to have surgery on my disks in my neck.
My prayers are with you always.
May God travel with you on this new and exciting journey.

Thank you so much hon, I enjoyed meeting you, you are such a dear, we have talked so long on line, I guess what you are telling me is you may like something but it doesn't mean that your lil pouch or as Beth calls it Alice makes the final decision, interesting. I know I knew this.........

Hugs Comments Hugs Barb

Hugs Comments Hugs Barb
Yea, I was just as shocked as ya'll are. I just thought they were mak'n one of thoughs reminder calls. Never think'n it was a change of plans call, HEHE.
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