Body Part Day
OK I can't remember what this thread USED to be called... Just that its been awhile. Does anybody have a body part that they would like to publicly say that they like NOW, that they didnt know they had or that they weren't able to see?
I guess I will go first... this is an especially good thread for those who are just now seeing collarbones, feeling hipbones, etc. I like the fact that I can see my cheekbones. They aren't just big puffies anymore... !
Mine is my feet, not only can I see them. I can put my shoes on and tie them just sitting on the bed and bending over. I use to have to sit on the bed and swing each leg up on the bed and put shoes on and tie them that way, because I couldn't reach them. One other thing I hope no one takes offense to is that I can clip my own toe nails. That is a WOW moment for me. I haven't had too many of them lately, hopefully that will change real soon. Hope everyone has a great day.
I am so thankful for all of our resident comedians. LOL. Thankfully, I had just swallowed the water I was drinking when I read your post. I don't necessarily have a body part that I love yet, but I do love the fact that I can now sit on the couch and bend over to tie my shoes and my bows are not off to the side, they actually sit on top of my feet where they should.