Hi Sweetie, I have been on this board the longest of anyone on here. I went thru almost 3 years of watching those get approved while I kept getting denied. My excitement came from them. I shared their pain, tears, their happiness. They became a part of me. After I found out I had diabeties then leukemia, I was crest fallen, thinking I'll never have the surgery. But those that were on the board back in 2005 gave me the strength I needed to keep fighting for it. God came thru and put me with Dr. Colquitt. He did a marvelous job. As for Living Wills, Wills, Power of attorneys etc. When I found out I had leukemia, I had all that taken care of. It's always a good idea to have one, shoot driving in Nashville can kill you quicker then anything else. We all have experienced the good and bad emotions like a roller coaster. It's normal. I know I have had a lot of ups and downs because I can't keep protein in me and my pouch rebells at everything I've tried, but it's the chemo pills I have to take for the rest of my life. I no longer live to eat, but eat to live. I have learned so much over the past 4 years of being on this site.
I've met a lot of new friends, seen a lot leave the board after surgery when the new post-ops need help more after surgery then before. Here's one of the things you will notice, your taste buds will continue to change. One month you may love something after surgery, the next month it may make you sick. That is normal. Wait a month and try it again and have no problems. You will have lots of ups and downs. I only know of one person that was getting her drain tubes out the day I had my consult with Dr. Colquitt, who has regretted having the surgery. She wishes she had remained over weight. Why I don't know. But our bodies are a temple to God, how we take care of that body for HIm is our way of thanking Him for giving us life, and choices to make. I am far happier now with the weight off, then I was having to sit in a wheelchair and given maybe 2 years to live and that was before I found out I have leukemia. My emotions stay on a roller coaster. Each day I wake up is a day to be blessed, when I feel pain, I know I am alive and to be thankful for another day. With my rare form of leukemia, there are no guarantees. I could live another day to 30 years. I make the most out of each day as if it were the last one.
This board has really been a life support for me. There are times I won't post for a few days or weeks and that's when I am having my rough moments. But once you start attending our lunches, or the dinners, you get to meet the ones who live in your area face to face and you make lasting friends. These are friends who understand just what you are going thru as we have all been there. So no more lurking, speak out, don't be afraid to vent, scream, laugh, or have fun, this is a wonderful site. There's a great bunch here and we're all here for you.
May God travel with you on this new journey.
Kathy Newton