Need protein and prayers
preop 302/current 184/goal 170

Hugs Barb
Hi Marie,
Have you tried the Carribean Cooler Nectar. I mix it with CL Raspberry Lemonade or regular CL Lemonade. It's really good. I don't like it with plain water. Just yesterday I received my order for Nectar Latte Cappuccino and Crystal Sky Nectar. The crystal sky is very good mixed just with water. Tastes like fruit punch.
Hang in there. You'll get back on track. Just keep trying. It gives me hope knowing that someone who's done as well as you can get disappointed with their weight loss. I've made up my mind to not get on my scales again until I go back to DR in 2 weeks!! Just get too upset!
Keep posting. I get on here every afternoon to see whats new.
Susan (AKA bilsrib)
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom
P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.
preop 302/current 184/goal 170
Wish I did, but I am also looking for samples of some that I can try. I have only used the chocolate, I have never ventured away from it. I am so looking for more ideas. I am also looking for ways that I can try yogurt, I use to not be able to stand the stuff, got some yesterday, gonna try it again. I am feeling some of the same things, not straying too far from my diet, but straying and it showed up last week on the scales with my 3lb gain. I am misreable, upset, frustrated, disgusted, awshamed(sp), well you know. I am wanting to kick me in the you know where. All the stress I am dealing with it for sure is not helping. I feel like I have let so many people down, especially myself. Not going to be able to make the Dinner Club, hope you have a great time Have a good day. Cheryl
~~Elena WLS date: May 8, 2007
272/195(pre-preggo)/211(at delivery)/188(current)/140
***Mommy to beautiful baby boy***
Gabriel Skye Dench, 4/30/08, 6lb 6.4oz, 19.5in