Bad Day
Ok, so things have been going along rather nicely since surgery. I'm satisfied with the amount of weight I've lost to date, but Tuesday night and yesterday, I was really questioning my decision to have the surgery. I had a hair appointment on Tuesday evening and as a result, I didn't eat dinner until late - later than I usually would have. After a bit, I decided I was really ready to go to bed, so I began taking my supplements. Around 11:00, I was awoken with horrible stomach pains. This went on about every 45 minutes for several hours. I was in so much pain, I very nearly woke my husband up to take me to the hospital. Then I began vomiting and realized what I was vomiting was my vitamin. I think the vitamin got "stuck" because I took my pills on a full stomach. Needless to say, the vomiting continued off and on until about 10:00 am on Wednesday. I spent all day yesterday in the bed as I was very sore and weak.
I'm up and about today, still somewhat weak, but better. But as I said earlier, it is stuff like this that makes me question what I did. I know what I did is for the better and I'm loving how I'm starting to look and the fact that I truly feel better than I have in years, but I don't ever want to go through what I went through Tuesday/Wednesday. I guess it is still a learning process with our new stomachs and what it can/can't tolerate. I'll just be glad when the learning curve is over.
I don't take any chewable pills as I have such a strong gag reaction to smells and tastes. After talking with the doctor and nutritionist, they were ok with me taking non-chewable pills, but they wanted me to understand that my pouch would be full from taking the pills. I just wasn't thinking the other night when I did what I did. You can best bet, I won't make that same mistake again.
wow yea that would suck i'm not gotten anything stuck except oatmeal that was horrible will never eat that again. hey i was wondering if you have that gag to smell and taste how do you get protein i've tried all kinds of different protein drinks and they all make me sick to the stomach even the bars and they taste fine to me the only thing i can take an dnot get sick to tummy is that nasty liquid protein 3 tbls has 18 grams and it makes me gag and i almost throw up every time i have to take it i gag but i know i need it so i try to hard to keep it down. So how do you deal with protein
Tara actually turned me onto one that doesn't really have a smell. It is called CytoSport. It is a ready to drink and it comes in Tangerine, Watermelon, and Tropical Punch (I think that is the other one). I using the Watermelon - adding a bit of water to it because it does have a bit of a kick to it. Thanks to Phil, he suggested I try that flavor because it tasted like a watermelon jolly rancher. Sure enough it did and I'm using that one. I get to pick up my supply tomorrow night. I ordered it from Advance Nutrition in Antioch and they are going to start keeping some on hand. If you are trying to find a protein powder that doesn't taste or smell, you might try Any Whey. It is virtually tasteless and I have not detected a smell to it. You can put it in basically anything, but it is better to mix it with something. I use it in protein pudding. I know there are others out there on this message board that use it in other things, so you might want to question what else they use it in.
Hey Ravendawn you might try I think its called the herb & Vitamin Shop in Clarksville. Its a little independent shop located in the Kohl's plaza in St. B. She was the only one that had liquid Calcium. She had a good selection and will get you what ever you need, seemed a little cheaper. Better then the GNC and Vitamin Shop in the Mall. If you find one you like then you could order it on line and save $$$. One web site my brother turned me onto was
Hope this helps. C' Ya Bob