OK, I'll start since it's 3:00 and I'm on my way to work!
Off to climb the Home Depot Stairs and then to RIP. So for today, I will be doing good to make it to work. 14 hours in one day does a body good! Maybe tomorrow!
Wow Wee you go Scott, You will be the lean mean Orange machine!!! Instead of Scott, HEHE. Faster then lighting and stronger well lost that train of thought. Help needed.
Yep I got off my butt again yesterday. : )
I did 20 minutes on ellpical and 20 minutes on various weight machines.
Will hit the Y today after work and see what I feel like doing.. Hope you all have a great day !!
Wendy the bike is good as long as its not a Harley. I walked about 15 min got to cold 28 wind blowing 10 and snow. Lets just say my B cup was perky. I'll try Mall walking later. Bob
Don't have plans for today as of yet. Did go to the gym last night and did 30 minutes on the eliptical (sp) and 30 minutes on the tread mill, even ran for about 2 minutes( a rare for me treat)