So disappointed

Melissa W.
on 2/25/08 3:18 am - Nashville, TN
I am so upset... I hope noone takes offense. I am not from TN but I really like it here and it was an adjustment. I am learning things are different. When I went back to school I thought doors would open... they haven't. I not only attend school but was very active on campus, joined a sorority, still participate in that and still refer students to them. They have known since before I graduated that I really want to work for them. It is my dream to recruit for them and eventually teach. I even asked one time if I could interrn P/T to get experience so that maybe later if I can't work for them I could maybe work for another school although my first choice is them.  Someone who is from the same sorority is one of the people who handles hiring for those positions and knowing this she never let me know there was an opening and last time there was an opening she told me they couldn't afford me and I reassured her it isn't about the money... this is my dream... my passion yet noone will give me a chance. This person I am refering to is model beautiful.... I of course am not. I feel like I am good enough to attend  and graduate from your school but not good enough to work for you? That makes me so mad. I was not asking for a favor just an interview. There is so much more to this but I won't bore you. I also have applied at other schools and they don't give me a chance... like the school I attend now... I am working on an M.B.A. but they did not even offer me an interview for an enrollment position.  This is all breaking my spirit. I am having to take a job cause I have to pay bills when I want a career and know what I want and am willing to work hard and even continue my education, work for less or whatever it takes but it hurts me when I feel someone is making excuses not to hire me and I honestly feel discriminated against because of my wiehgt. I really, really do. I cried... I just want it so bad and I want to help people and I want to love what I do and it seems that is just a pipe dream schools tell you to sell education but here I am literally unemployable. One temp job turned me down because they are afraid when I finish my degree I would want to pursue my major. Well... duh... it is a temp job and you would think they would see that  she is working on her degree so later on she may be an asset to our company in another aspect. Is it me? I don't know I have had nothing but doors slammed in my face and I am so tired.... I feel like I am begging people to just consider me and I am better than that. I have so much to bring to the table. I just need a chance... one... I go to these interviews for jobs I know I will hate yet I have to... :( Sorry... I am so hurt right now. Diet is going good but soon I am gonna be back to almost homeless.... It isn't supposed to be this way.
Bob L.
on 2/25/08 3:50 am - Clarksville, TN
Mel, Life is not suppose to be this hard. I know your hurt right now but if you truly feel your being discriminated against then maybe you should seek a opinion from the Americans with Disabilities Act. Until then know you have a shoulder to cry on, your not alone. C' Ya Bob

Melissa W.
on 2/25/08 3:55 am - Nashville, TN
Thanks... I would never be able to prove it... I just feel broken... it is so sad!
Bob L.
on 2/25/08 4:02 am - Clarksville, TN
Keep Your Chin Up! IT WILL BE OK!  OK? Bob

Misty A.
on 2/25/08 4:03 am - White House, TN
I am sorry you are having such a difficult time right now. It is ashame that discrimation still exists in this country but we all know it does. Unfortunatley, it is so difficult to get over and get beyond it. Just know that your time will come. It may not seem it right now, but you should be very proud of what you have accomplished with school and all that you are doing to better your education and life. It is an admirable thing. All in due time, you will be able to look back at this rough patch and say, I made it through that. This too shall pass! You will get what you have worked so hard for. Do not let anyone steal your joy. Hold your head up high and act like you deserve all of it. And once all of that confidence starts coming out, maybe some great doors will open up. You know I wish you all the best.

159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)

on 2/25/08 6:48 am - Chattanooga, TN
I know you are hurt and upset....but..perhaps you don't want to work in a place like that. I figured out that I did not know anything about the political back biting nature of the University I had attendeds school of business as an undergrad. When I worked as a graduate assistant I learned that it wasn't a pretty place to work. One of my favorite professors (because he could teach) was on his 3rd wife. His 2nd and 3rd were his graduate assistants at one time. He was always having affairs. A management professor I worked for used me to do her personal stuff so she would have time for publishing. I sent out her boyfriend's resumes, party invitations and did her spanish homework. I also typed up journals for publication and quickly saw that she just used her students papers to fill out her own work. She would assign a paper topic on something she was thinking about publishing to see what they came up with, noit just sources..she used their exact words at times. When I asked for guidance from the dean of accounting he just told me everybody works hard to be published and she was one of the most published professors. Anyway...I'm just hoping that you see the many things available and that what you're missing may not be worthy of you anyway. HUGGS Beth B. in Chattanooga
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