Perseverance (2/19/08)
Last night, Tim & I were discussing the movie "Hitch" with Will Smith and Eva Mendes. More specifically, the term "perseverance". I started to think about it, and even mentioned that's what we as wls patients must have... perseverance. We each have a goal weight, whether set by our own desire or our surgeon's. It would be easy to get distracted and lose sight of that goal. The end results could be a life of regret or self resentment wondering "Why didn't I make that goal, and shed those extra pounds?"
We've heard many statements that mean the same thing such as:
"When the going gets tough, the tough get going."
"Keep on keepin' on."
So today I looked up the meaning of perseverance on Its' description is
"steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., esp. in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement."
The first thing that stands out is that it requires action on our part. We don't merely stand back and let fate take its course... "whatever will be, will be." Instead, it requires a go-getter attitude, a fierceness that says "Whatever it takes, I am going to obtain (insert your goal here)." The best things in life are worth fighting for. If there is something that you want, go for it! Sure it might involve struggles, but don't merely stand back and let things happen. Make things happen!
Second, I noticed is that the definition does not say WITHOUT DIFFICULTIES, OBSTACLES, OR DISCOURAGEMENT. It says IN SPITE OF. We have come across many obstacles on our journey. At times we wonder how or if we can conquer or overcome them. They seem insurmountable. But we never gave up! We had a bold tenacity that kept us reaching, grasping, hoping, searching, struggling until we OBTAINED that which we longed for...
Let me ask:
1. What goals do you have right now that are unmet or unreached?
2. What are your obstacles, difficulties, and sources of discouragement that you feel prevent you from meeting those goals?
3. What course of action will you take to make sure those goals are met?
Okay, so I don't know about this movie "Hitch" that you speak of... and I sure don't know who Eva Mendes is, but I am very intrigued by your assessment of the flick to be about perseverance.
I just love that word. It has become a new word in my vocabulary for the last 3 years...
I have now become obsessed with the word "Perseverance." Rather it be perseverance in the form of debt reduction... Gotta love that one.... Can we say Dan Ramsey " I am debt free"....or perseverance in the form of Pro Active health care... Can we say Insurance Approval or, perseverance in our own gaining our out of control lives without surgical intervention... Some can and some can't, I choose to be here for those on both sides of the fence.
Melinda, I am on board with you.... Anyway that we can find what works for us as individuals, I say go for it with all your heart, soul and mind....Because at the end of the day, look around... Do you see anyone there that actually gives a flip... "No" And the end of the day there is no one around and we only have ourselves to look at to say "How am I going to get through this tomorrow?"
1. My goal right noe is to get to the losing half of myself which is only a few pounds away.
2. My obstacles are only things I let get to me such as letting food sooth my moodiness lately.
3. I have increased my water intake and am kicking butt at the gym. Making myself accountable and not giving up !!!
Thanks for this post Melinda. It helps to keep our goals in mind and strive harder to reach them.