Prayer needed please
First off, my oldest son went to the ER yesterday, we thought he had broke his ankle, however after a x-ray, ct scan and today a MRI he has popped all the ligaments in his ankle. So he is off work at least for this week, he has a bright pink cast from right under his knee all the way to his toes. Just pray that everything heals completely. When he is off work he is off without pay- so that his weigh heavy on his mind.
Second, Jim(DH0 mother is having a very important test run on her heart tomorrow- she has had a kidney transplant before and her health is not the best. There is very little blood flow or oxygen going to her heart. If there is no problem tomorrow we will be going to Florida when they do the actual heart surgery. Please pray that she comes Thur this tomorrow OK- the dye that they are running tomorrow can harm her kidneys so they are giving her meds for that and will be watching them closely.
Thanks, I know that I can count on you all. Melissa
So sorry to hear all of this. When it rains it pours. Give Michael our love and hope it heals fast. How did he do it? playing sports or workin' on cars? Hope Jim's mom comes through O.K. Keep us posted. R we goin' to Dad and Jo's for Easter? Have you heard anything? Been so busy these past few weeks. I know you have been too. Take care, give a call later.
He fell down some stairs Saturday evening. He was out with some friends for dinner. He thought that he just rolled it like he has in the past, but by the time sunday afternoon rolled around he couldn't put any weight on it with out getting sick to his stomach. I got home from church and just knew that it was broken.
Sending thoughts and prayers hon, sounds like your having a rough time sweetie. I am so sorry, Sending prayers for angels to watch over ya'll. God Bless ya.
Hugs Barb

Hugs Barb