Nectar lovers
Just wanted to let everyone who likes the Nectar products know that I just ordered 2 jugs of it for a really good price. I paid $22 for one and $23 for the other. They are 2lb jugs. Cheaper than BE or Bariatric Choice. The website is: They also have the DaVinci SF syrups for 3.99. From what I saw they have pretty much anything. I didn't look at everything though. Just thought I'd give ya'll a heads up on the good price.
Hi Sharon
On the home page of the website on the right it says shop by brand. Scroll down that list to DaVinci Gourmet and you'll find the syrups. I checked this morning and the price was still 3.99. You can go back to home and search by brand for Syntrax. That is what the nectars are under. Also the Matrix 5.0 powders. Hope this helps!!
Here is what I found for the Nectar products ar+&submit2=Go%21 it didn't come up at first... but it did the second time I tried. I didn't look for the davinci.