Phil's home and hard drive is working!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cheryl P.
on 2/22/08 8:00 am - Antioch, TN
Just wanted to let everyone know that I brought Phil home today. He is better, still weak, but that is to be expected. The Dr's said that with nothing staying down or in and he let it go so long, that is why he got dehyrated (sp). His blood pressure is back up and his sugar, well we are still working on that. He is laying down now, he may get up later and post I'm not sure. I am doin ok, just trying to play catch up on things around the house. All I know is that I am wore out, between him and my son this past week, I have had it rough.  I want to thank each and everyone of you that have prayed, called, posted, etc.. I don't know what I would have done without you all. I appreciate all the offers of coming to pick me up during all of this, that has meant so much to me. I will keep all the number's just in case I need them in the future, hopefully I won't, but good to know that I have them. Just a quick background of why I have so much trouble driving at night. On 04/04/84 I was in a terrible car crash. Me and DH (at the time) and my son (andy) at the time was 4 was at a family function, with both of our cars. We was going home and Andy wanted to ride with his dad and I drove the other car. A drunk driver came accross 4 lanes of traffic and hit me head on. They missed Andy and his dad and hit me, they almost got us all. I was a mess, and so was my car. I don't remember all the details, but they said that when I seen the car coming towards me, I put my left arm in front of my face. My arm got all the glass and stuff, they told my family at the ER that if there had not been an orthopedic dr at the ER, that they would have amputated my arm. I was in the hospital for about 6 weeks and off work for almost 6 months. Of course the guy that hit me didn't get a scratch. So even though I don't remember all of the cra**** still bothers me when I have cars coming towards me and get close. Just want to say thanks again for everything. Love ya guys and gals. Cheryl



Wendy Warren
on 2/22/08 8:13 am - Smyrna, TN
Cheryl I am so glad that everybody's improving......I know there's alot to do but be sure to take care of yourself too......Let me know if you need anything................ WENDY

The only time you fail is when you fail to try!!!

on 2/22/08 9:58 am - Clarksville, TN
Cheryl, Glad you hear you all are back home...I will continue to keep ya'll in my prayers!


Elizabeth O.
on 2/22/08 4:58 pm - nashville, TN
Hey Cheryl, Glad to see that Phil is home.  Hope you can get some rest now!!!  Keep up the water and protein for both of you, no repeat performances.  You were both in our thoughts and prayers. Beth
F.R.O.G.  -  Fully Rely on God!  For He IS GOOD!

on 2/22/08 9:12 pm - Nashville, TN
Hey Cheryl!  I am so sorry that you and Phil went through all this!  I'm glad he is at home and getting much needed rest.  Now, take care of yourself also!  You're still in our thoughts and prayers!
on 2/22/08 9:41 pm - Goodlettsville, TN
Cheryl, I am so glad that everything can get back to norm. and Phil is do'n well and getting better. He had us alittle worried. Please let him know that is not allowed. And to be very careful!!!!!!! I am so grateful that you got you pc fixed. MySpace Comments - Friends MySpace Layouts - Friends Free Comments & Graphics Hugs Barb
on 2/23/08 8:51 pm - Springfield, TN
So glad Phil is home and on the way to recovery. You take care sweet lady and try to get some much needed rest.

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