Ok what gives??
Hey hon I was wondering about you. Guess Nicholas has not made an appearance yet. : ( Tell him we want to see him so to hurry up already.. I'm kidding I want him to be perfectly healthy so no rush. I will have to check at Kroger. I don't go there often hopefully they will have them. Oh are you planning on going to Northcrest to give birth or elsewhere?
P.S. My daughter's LOVE the pizzas you taught us about. This is why I have to buy low carb tortillas so often. : ) Also I bought the Lanolin and other ingregients and made the lotion you mentioned recently. Is there an easier way to get the waxy form of lanolin out of the contanier? You should have seen me wrestling with that stuff you would have cracked up ! : )
Yes ands Yes
Melinda taught me but will pass it on to you when you are at the stage you can eat this.
You can buy low carb Tortillas and use low sugar Pizza or spagetti sauce any kind of low fat shredded cheese and any toppings like pepperoni but use sparingly
First you put tortilla under broiler for just few minutes . Be careful to watch it and turn it over alot cause it will burn fast if you don't. do this till your desired crispyness then add sauce cheese and toppings and cook a few more minutes and your done. They are very yummy !!!
Neena Yes a low carb gastric friendly pizza... but probably wont be good for you right now... not for some time.
Here's what you can do. Get some low carb tortillas... You can probably only eat 1/4 to 1/2 of one when you first start... Sometimes I can only eat 1/2 and I'm 15 mos postop. But, put your oven on broil. Put a tortilla on the rack. Watch it though or you will burn it! Let it brown a little, then turn it over. Then, remove, put some low sugar Barilla or other spaghetti or marinara sauce on it, only takes maybe 2 tblsp, then you add what you want. I love a little onion, a few turkey peppersonis, (turkey for you since you are so soon out... not regular pepperoni til maybe 6 mos), a little red or green pepper, put some spices on it if you'd like, spinrkle with cheese (2% shredded cheddar, and pizza, mozarella) and put back in oven... watch careful though. When cheese melts, pull it out. I love it. Tim likes it a lot too. I am going to try mushrooms on it (fresh ones)
Mission has a low carb tortilla, and so does La Banderita. Look in your fridge section of the grocery and also in the bread section and in the mexican food section. It should say low carb on it.