My pants are tight
Ok, I am hoping its because of one or all of the following:
1. I didn't get my birth control on time and it caused moodiness and bloating which has happened before
2. I haven't been "regular" if you know what I mean... maybe i'm just full of doody
3. I'm swollen from my plastic surgery, yeah right, but it was worth a try! lol
4. I SHRANK all my jeans in the dryer (a girl can dream)
I hope its not one or any of the following:
1. Pregnant (well ya gotta list it as a possibility)
2. I'm eating too much
3. I'm not exercising
Tim says I have been eating more because i keep hearing people fussing at me to gain weight. Well I don't know about that, but I know my pants are tight and I feel big. I've gained 3 lbs. What's up with that? OK I am going to lose this 3 lbs. I miss my 118.
Thought I would give an update on my pants. They are still too tight. LOL.
But my tummy feels funny... I have been very active moving stuff around in the office, and stuff at home too... and my tummy feels very tight, numb and tingly, just as it did when I was swollen after plastic surgery. I think that it might be swelling, even though I'm at 6 mos postop. I hear that it can happen all the way up to 1 yr, but haven't had it in some time.
About a month ago, I walked on the treadmill too fast, and it made my tummy feel tight and tingly.
Hey Mel, remember my pm to you about the weight gain. I haven't been regular lately, and I swell up real bad in the evenings, I'm 10 months out of having my tummy tuck. You said it was probably from the surgery, water fluids, or irregularity. I just know that I have been getting in more water, back to liquid diet, and I still gained 20 lbs. I want back to my 120 or 115 lbs stage not 140. All my jeans are so tight in the evenings, I can wear my size 6 stretch jeans in the morning but can't fasten them at night. I put on a pair of size 10's tonight and they were cutting me into, I was so swollen. I'm going back to the binder tomorrow and take some water pills and a laxative. I've even been drinking a lot of hot tea, hot apple cider, I did find drinking a hot Vernors ginger ale help settle my tummy when I feel queasy.
You'll lose the pounds. I haven't been able to work out much, but now that the weather is getting semi nicer, I plan on getting back to walking more, that helps get me regulated better.
Let us know what is the problem so I can get it off me too. Love