Update on the Parker's
Oh my where do I begin. Well first off I have missed talking with all of you. Our hard drive for our desktop crashed and is in the shop, so all we have is the laptop. Most of you know that I wasn't feeling good on the 9th, well I got some better but not 100%. I have this crud again and can hardly keep anything down or in, if you know what I mean. So far today is some better, just sore from all the heaving and weak. A week or so ago Phil burned his arm, it is about the size of a lemon, the dr. gave him some cream to put on it twice a day and we are having to keep it wraped. The other day when it snowed, he feel down our ramp and bruised up his thigh and hip. We went to the dr. with our FDIL, they could not hear the baby's heartbeat. They scheduled her for a ultrasound the very next day and they was able to see the baby and the hearbeat and all seem's to be fine, she is just not as far along as she thought. She is only 8 weeks, so that changed her due date to 09-22. We all felt better after we found that out. A couple of days ago, my best friend from high school MIL passed away, the visitation and funeral was this weekend, but I was not able to go. Still have 3 of the puppies for sale, all females and asking $200 each so if anyone knows of someone looking for a pup send them my way. Hope everyone is doing good and I will be checking in every now and then. We have some personal things going on right now and we could really use everyones thoughts and prayers while we get through these times. Everyone stay dry and stay warm and take care.