maybe future newbie need your help
Donna S
Cameron, NC
Donna, I live in Sevierville, just outside of Knoxville. I moved here almost 10 years ago from Memphis. I love east Tennessee! But, it does take some getting used to. Dr Stepen Boyce is a Bariatric Surgeon in west Knoxville at Parkwest Comprehensive Weight Loss Center. It is a Bariatric Surgery Center of Excellence. It is also part of Covenant Health which is the largest healthcare provider in east Tennessee with about 9000 employees. Dr. Boyce is also a really nice guy. They have several support groups through there. The only reason that I didn't use him is because I had to have a complicated revision and he hadn't done a whole lot of them and my surgeon had done more than 400. Living on the west side of Knoxville is the best. Farragut High School is real good. There is a new high school opening in the fall, Hardin Valley High. It is in the west as well. My niece went to Karns High School and her family was very pleased with it. If you would like, PM me and I will give you my telephone number. Marilyn
Dr. Boyce and his staff are wonderful and I know that they will see you. Their phone number is 865-694-9756 and they are located in West Knoxville. They also have a website if you want to check it out, He has a very dedicated staff that really love what they do and are very supportive and encouraging.
Schools- we live in North Knox County and love it here in Halls. West Knoxville is great too. My husband works at Farragut High School, it seems so big at first but it does not take long to get use to it...He even said yesterday that the kids there are so loving to each other.
Maryville is a great area too, I worked at the health dept there for years. Maryville City Schools are really good too.
Good luck and if I can help you any more please let me know.
Janie ~ i live in the N'vill area, and know nothing about the K'vill area except how beautiful it is over there. however, know that we are all right here for you to help support you, too! And this group is amazing support, not only for your wls issues, but anything that you feel like sharing - there's always going to be people here that care and share and lift you up... Consider this an early "WELCOME" to TN and the TN Board! By the way, we just started a mini-goal challenge, running Feb. 15 - March 17th. If you'd like to get on board, just let me know your starting weight, and how much you'd like to lose by 3-17. I'll add you to the list and check in with you to see how you did... (See the post "Let the leprachauns have it" - or something like that!) We already have 14 people participating - it makes it fun! ~ Tara