My Hubby
Many of you met my hubby, Ron at the lunch bunch. He really enjoyed meeting you guys and talks about how nice you all are all the time.
I have been concerned lately about him not only because he is about 65 pounds overweight, but his diabetes is out of control. With my very active brother having a heart attack last week, my concern has doubled. At his last PCP appt, out doctor told him to "eat what Marilyn eats, and I guarantee you'll lose weight!" Ron laughed. But since I have had surgery, he has lost about 15 pounds!!! He is also diligently working on his blood sugar and finally yesterday decided that he needed to cut out sugar altogether! I am so proud!!! Now, if I could just get him to exercise! Maybe this surgery will help both of us!!
Congratulations!!! He has to make the decision himself, you know that!! Don't give up on him exercising, my husband has said no for years, but just last week he did. Maybe seeing me daily, motivated him......I don't know, but he is up and moving. He doesn't have a weight problem, but could loss about 15 pounds. He has thyroid problems and lacks energy, even with thyroid replacement.
Ron will get there also, he has a GREAT motivator!
Sorry I missed the meeting last week, hope to meet you all soon,
Sherry M-Pleasant View, TN
Marilyn ~
I'm happy for both of you... I know how important it is for your husband to be healthy, too. It's great that he's already lost 15 pounds, and cutting out sugar sure will help. Maybe the 2 of you will get to start walking together or something. Last summer/fall (when it was warmer) John would walk w/ me (mostly on the weekends) and not only were we both benefitting physically, it also gave us some undistracted "talking" time --- which we all need!
My husband is about 40 pounds overweight, which doesn't sound like much when I was more than 120 pounds overweight, but that extra weight, along with just everyday stress has had him taking blood pressure medicine since he was 37 years old (he's now 39). I would SO love to see him drop those pounds, and get off the bp meds, before he turns 40. Since I just started working at the Y, and it affords us a family membership, I'm hoping our whole family will become more active! I want to train my boys early (they are 8/10) to live an active lifestyle and be aware of what they are eating and how they are taking care of themselves. then it will just be a way of life for them...
~ Tara
Marilyn, I didn't get to meet ya'll but can't wait to. Any way, Brian and Ash decided to change and eat what I am eating and check their carbs, sugars, and proteins and cals. Brian has lost 27 lbs, and Ash has lost 22lbs I am so excited for them. I am so excited for all of our families to eat rite and live longer. We have so much to be thankful for . Thank you for sharing Marilyn many Hugs Barb
I think that this surgery rubs off on those around us. I'm 5 days out and my whole family is eating better. My dh qualifies for the surgery but his job's insurance has a weightloss exclusion in it. He really has never voiced any interest in wls though. When I'm not so sore, I'm looking forward to our walks together because lately I would get too tired and my joints would hurt too much.