Drum roll please... (Feb. mini-goal totals)
Love was in the air - and we see more of the results of us loving ourselves!
Freddie was our biggest loser this month. She lost 11 pounds and was catapulted into ONEderland! Congratulations, Freddie!
Next was Susan --- she lost another 10 pounds and now has a normal BMI! Soooo happy for you, Susan!
Barb comes in 3rd with an 8-pound loss! Way to go!
Scott, Wendy W. and Pam E. all tied with a 7-pound loss each! It's still moving, gang!
Tara lost 6 pounds - and dropped from "obese" to "overweight"
Beth's said "good-bye --- forever!" to another 4 pounds! Rock on...
That's a total of another 65 pounds GONE!
There are still a few who haven't checked in yet, so hopefully we'll hear from them soon.
And if you haven't already, jump in for the next mini-challenge (Feb. 15 - Mar. 17). I look forward to hearing from you...
~ Tara

Be not discourage my friend. Everything will kick in when it is supposed to and those 3 pounds will suddenly no longer be a part of you. I know there has been a bit of stress in your life recently, so that could be part of the deal with your body wanting to hold on to that extra little bit. Take a deep breath and refocus and move forward. God is in control and everything will work out to His good - even those 3 pounds.
Shelia ~
Keep in mind how much you've lost. Even Dr. Spaw said you may be where you need to be -- that's it's time to look toward the next phase... and how much more would that be?!!!
Look at your little arms and legs
You are beautiful and have done amazingly well! Just take care of you without "worrying" so much about those 3, K?
~ Tara

I am pre-surgery, but am waiting for insurance approval. I have lost my 10% (27 pounds). I am at 244 currently. I would like to set a mini-goal for St. Patrick's day to be at 239 or a loss of 5 pounds.
Thanks for keep everyone going with the Mini-goals each month. We all will be successful with small goals set for ourselves.
Sherry M-Pleasant View, TN