I'm So Excited!!!!!!!!
Today is 1 month since my surgery and I'm so excited I'm not sure my feet are touching the ground yet. This surgery has already changed my life so much and how I feel in general and I'm so thankful that I decided to take the plunge. I won't say it has been easy, because there have been days when I have just sat there and repeated, "What the heck did I do"? But when I got on the scales this morning, I realized what I had done (that is not to say I won't ask that question again down the road, but for now, it is on the back burner). As of today, 1 month after surgery, I have lost 40.2 pounds and couldn't be happier.
It is such a thrill for people I haven't seen in awhile to come up and say things to me about how good I look. It's great and just a wonderful thing when my husband tells me how good I'm looking and encourages me. We have been together for 24 years and have been married for 22 of those years. He has never been one to say too much about my weight - even when I was gaining at a rapid pace. Now he looks at me in a way that makes me love him even more because I know he is 100% in support of the decision I made and he wants to see me succeed.
Anyway, I just wanted to share my good news. I hope everyone had a good day yesterday and I just want to say, I'm so thankful to be part of the biggest group of losers I've ever met. Being a loser these days is a great thing and holds a whole new meaning.
Take care and have a wonderful weekend.
Thanks for the congrats and encouragement. It is so great to be part of a group of folks that encourage each other so much and celebrate each victory. Of all the "diets" I have ever been, I have never received this type of reception, so I am even more blessed.
No rush on the picture, I know you have a life and family outside of OH so whenever you have time and are able to, that is fine.
Hope you have a blessed day.