Food & Life

Surgeons want you to attend support groups. I don't. I consider this my support group, and BariatricEating. And now, I also use my website to blog my feelings, etc. That helps me a lot. You should use your profile to discuss how you feel about things. And let me tell you why that's a good idea... Anyone on Obesity Help can come across your profile. Especially men (which we can get the men here to verify) need to get some support cause all that seem to be on here until latley are gals... Men need support, and when they can see and read into the lives of what other men are going through , I think it is a great support. And, you never know when you might want to start your own book, website, or whatever... anyway, I hope you can find some great support here, which I think you have it seems... and talk about whatever might be on your mind. Let me say, the one great thing you will have going for you after surgery that you don't have now, is RESTRICTION. Your little tummy will be so tight you cant get much food in it. And if you do, you will vomit. A few times of vomiting, or even dumping syndrome, and you sure wont be wanting that food ever again! Or at least for a very very veryyyy long time! Really, you also have an advantage too that when they do surgery, it does something strange to your body. I heard that it cuts a nerve that tells your brain that you are hungry... but that is a tool also... you will not be hungry. Mike felt like he was starving to death on the morning of his surgery... then after, the nurse asked him if he was hungry. He didn't want a single thing. I didn't either... for a long time! Sometimes even now if I get really busy, I forget to eat and my body reminds me when it gets low blood sugar episodes in forms of the shakes, etc. . but I dont get hungry still. That's great... to be a year and four months postop and still not get hungry. Surgery is different than any diet we have ever been on. And where you are now, wondering "Will this work for me?" is exactly where we all have been... and you think "What if I'm the only person in the world that this DOESN'T WORK ON?" Normal... but trust us... it works... it'll work for you!!! Keep on keepin' on!
Melinda & Freddie thanks for your input. Yes I agree this is a great support group. Vanderbilt recognizes this as a means to achieve your support group requirements. I have gain a great deal of knowledge and inspiration thru this forum as a group and those of you who I've been fortunate enough to meet. Freddie I keep forgetting about the "Ghrelin Factor" yes that is a great source of information, thanks. I'm also in a weird position I'm 266 lbs at my high 5' 8", got down to 232 on the 10% and now back up to 244 which puts me approximately 85 lbs overweight. To some if your not 400 + you shouldn't think about WLS. But they don't see the host of medical issues you might have. That this surgery alone will CURE some and greatly reduce complications of other conditons. In my case every Doctor I have has recommended this as my best course of action and each has submitted letters of medical necessity. So I guess it goes back to you can't judge a book by its cover. I hope people that are usually just readers would jump in too. Everyone has a slightly different prospective. You both are such great roll models you talk the talk and you walk the walk. Thanks Bob