Bad day at work!
It seems like we all have them! You know what I'm talking about, the day starts off bad and does nothing but get worse.
Last week I posted about work and fudge pie. Well, it seems yesterday we had an in service on autism, and how to work with nonverbal children. When we have these in services, the sites we have throughout Tenn. always attends. We usually have snacks and desserts for them. That's OK. The bad part came when a co-worker brought in a caramel cake. I looked at it, smelled it, and commented how good her cakes were. Her comment back was, "Oh No, none for you". That hurt, but I understood where she was coming from. then she politely told me my cake was in the fridge! Every year she makes me a Banana Split Cake, and when I looked in the fridge, there it was!
This cake is special, only because this is what my mother made me every year for my birthday. When my co-worker found out, she started making it. Well, during the in service everyone ate, except me! I feel like I did pretty good. I did not even go in the room where the desserts were.
After the in service, I asked how if everyone liked the Banana Split Cake, she said, "Oh, that cake never made it out, and since that was made for your birthday, we can have it tomorrow during planning meeting". I politely asked if it had sugar in it? the answer was oh yeah, you can't make a cake without sugar.
So, now I have to endure this all over again! I have a favor to ask, please keep me in your prayers today. I would hate for my friends to pick up the paper in the morning and read the morning headlines!
"RNY Patient Snaps"
"Womans Dies From Inhalation Of Bananas"
Have a good day! I'm gonna do my best!
Well, Scott, we know that sugar is as bad for us - as it tastes good. I'm going to TRY to look at this surgery as a gift that will finally get me off sugar. Everything I read tells me how sugar ravages the body--Dr. Mercola, Dr. Perricone, etc.
Think about how fortunate you are to not be able to eat sugar while most everyone else gives in to the ugly addiction that sugar is. What a blessing!
Oh Scott, I am so sorry you have had to deal with folks that think they are being "helpful". I know how frustrating that is. But you have come so far and I know as good as that cake would taste, it is not worth jeopardizing where you are. As far as the lady that made the cake, well, you know I think I would have to return the favor with a cake of my own for her - a very special cake (if you get my drift). Maybe then she wouldn't be so crass in how she speaks to individuals that are trying to make a better life for themselves.
Hang in there my friend, it will get better.
PS - I love the headline - absolutely priceless.
Well Scott, obviously you haven't heard . . . Banana Split Cake spoils after 23 hours if not eaten. So, just think of how toxic that thing is and be thankful that you are not subjecting yourself to possible food poisioning by eating it!
If that don't work, you can always lean on Bob L.! Hang in there buddy!