So you want a treat?
OK I am going to share a secret with you. But, its only for people who can remain in control of their eating. It's a once in a while treat. And you cannot vere from these instructions!
I found this a long time ago... and never shared it except with Mike. Then Tim. Mike's parents got let in on the secret once. They thought it was a joke! You will have to purchase the cones to see why its so funny. They are smaller than your thumb!
Publix sells their own brand of no sugar added orange sunny sherbet. If you buy that, you also can get this specific brand of ice cream cone. Its called "Joy" and has 60 Kids Cones in it. Now, here is the exact directions of this treat.
Remove ONE and ONLY ONE ice cream cone. Take a fork and place it in the ice cream. Use exactly three fork fulls to fill your cone. You now have a gastric bypass controlled portion of your very own orange sherbet ice cream cone!
Now you might be laughing at my directions. But you cannot have this often, or shouldn't that is... but here are the stats:
the kids cone has 1 carb, 0 sugars. It is about the size of your thumb. It is a good "treat" as it makes you think you are really having something grand. And the sherbert has 17 net carbs per 1/2 cup, but you're not even doing 1/8 cup since you can only get 3 forkfulls into your cone! There are 2 sugars in the 1/2 c sherbet so hardly any in the 3 forkfulls.
Don't overdo it!