My Brother
Guys, thanx so much for the prayers. Today is the first day that I have been able to get to the Internet. My brother had angioplasty yesterday for 2 huge 90% blockages of the main coronary artery. He is now doing well, and extremely blessed that he didn't have a really major heart attack from the blockages. This heart attack turned out to be a good thing since it got him this angiopolasty in time. I write more later when I get home some time tomorrow!
Glad your brother is doing well Marilyn.
In 2003, I had 5 heart attacks in 2 days and they found 100% blockage in one artery and 65% in another. They removed the blockage and inserted a stent in the one artery> They said they don't bother with anything less than 80% blockage so they didn't do anything to the other. I have done fine so far, except that after the heart surgery I packed on the pounds because they had me on so many meds I couldn't function normally, let alone exercise. They say my heart is very strong now, but the extra pounds are gonna get me if I don't do the WLS.
Marilyn I heard about your brother, I am so sorry hon. Glad to hear that he is do'n better and they were able to open the blockage. Take care of yourself and Dh and also the trip home.

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Hugs Barb

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Hugs Barb