Lovely LaBrada Latte
Hi there Peeps!
I just made a LaBrada latte and it was way too sweet! I put about a quarter of a teaspoon of peanut butter in it and a pinch of salt and TA DA!!!!! It is the bomb diggity!
You must try it!
2 shots decaf espresso
1 scant tablespoon Gosh That's Good Chocolate
1 cup LaBrada Vanilla RTD
1/4 - 1/2 teaspoon peanut butter (smooth)
itsy bitsy pinch of salt.
Rock and Roll...Coochie coo!
I have always loved hot chocolate. I liked Chocolate Matrix made into hot chocolate, with whipped cream and cinnamon and splenda on top. But, I couldn't get the matrix as hot as I wanted.
Why?? Does anyone know the answer? Protein 101... BECAUSE it was a protein POWDER!
So in the ready to drinks, they can be heated, heated, heated. I love how hot they can be! So now I would rather heat me up a chocolate ready to drink with NO espresso. I will save my espresso for Homemade MelindaBucks Cafe Americana's... just like my protein diva taught me. (Paula)