Hats and Horns
Just some thoughts…..
It has been awhile since I’ve posted anything……might be due to…lots of writing(trying to get some publishing happening)….or…..just plain laziness. Any who…..I am wondering about support groups dedicated to WLS…especially when they include patients from different surgeons. When reading about WLS you come across information that varies….often it may be complete opposite from what you have been told by your doctor…[(example)..The use of drinking straws]. In group (at least the one I attend) often I don’t speak up because I don’t like being told I’m wrong….no but for real….I am immediately told its wrong or to be careful or you won’t lose weight…where is the support… Most of this comes from a group that has been treated by 1 doctor who has very hard rules…(when I looked at the post-op guidelines it was very regimented). I have confidence in my doc because 1. He has had WLS and been successful….2. I have gone from 575 to 375 since September 10th. I’m not being a prude about this...I just think what works for you works….Has anyone else had similar experiences?
Update….like I said since September 10th I have lost 200lbs. I have gone from a pants size of 72 to now being in a loose 56…a 7x to a 3x a shirt size of 19 from a 24. I am so elated. I have all this energy…am happy….and loving the choice I made!
Hi Keith!
You are amazing! I'm glad to hear that you are looking for a support group because I think the folks from right here on this board have the best one! Now don't get me wrong...I love Baptist's support group but I think that the Lunch Bunch addresses more of my needs. I really don't do well when other people "preach" to me as if their's is the only way. I am an educated person and I resent being talked down to if I have a different method that also works. Honestly...I have not experienced any negativity with the Lunch Bunch. It is more like a monthly victory party!!!!
I hope that you will give it a try and let us have a chance to get to know you in person.
Big smile!