OK Here is the "low down" or "rundown" or "skinny", whateer you want to call it, on Labrada.
You want the RTD. Its called "Labrada Lean Body RTD". It has 9 carbs, and 40 g protein for a container. Its thick. So here is the special secret. You can play around with it until you get what's right for you... but here is what I do.
I used to get vanilla. Add about 5 or 6 oz, then about 3 oz of Hood Fat Free milk, then about 1/2 to 1 oz of water. Heat in microwave. Remember that the ready to drinks can be heated, and it won't "lump" or "cook" the protein. Labrada can be heated more than micellar milk without lumping, it gets much hotter, and THEN I would add 1 tblsp of Gosh That's Good mocha, kudos to Freddie for hooking/addicting me to that! Anyway, then Vitamin Shoppe ran out of vanilla.
SOOooo.... I got a case of chocolate. I just add my Hood FF milk, a little water, and heat that up. Its just perfect. If you like chocolate milk, you can forget heating and drink it cold. I loved it for a treat the other day at work when I was too busy from cleaning and rearranging the office. That one does not require the Go****'s Good. It's perfect the way it is.
But, Labrada is very thick. Always remember that if its too thick, just add whateer you want... FF milk, or water to it. AND another thing,
If you don't have Gosh That's Good, you can get you some Davinci sugar free chocolate SAUCE, not the syrup, but SAUCE. Add a few tblsp to your vanilla ready to drink. Then add some splenda, about 1 tblsp. Have fun with it. Just play around.
One day I heated up the vanilla ready to drink and added white chocolate davinci syrup to it. I've also tried kahluah. That was good. Go to BaristaProShop.com for the Go****'s Good. Cheaper than the maker sells it! They also have some recipes on there... you'll be a professional barista before you know it!
You can also find recipes on torani's website, davinci, and monin.
*** Another secret. If you want a certain flavor of drink, its like mixing crayons to get certain colors. For example, if you want banana split, mix 3 flavors, chocolate, strawberry, banana. If you want cinnamon bun, use caramel and cinnamon. Here are the ingredient measurements:
flavors needing 2 syrups : use 1/2 oz of each flavor
flavors needing 3 syrups: use 1/3 oz of each flavor
So cinnamon bun would require 1/2 oz of cinnamon, 1/2 oz of caramel. AND by the way, I tried cinnamon bun. It was too sweet for me but it did work.
Not a shameless plug for my website, but under "categories", there is a protein first tab. Click on that and it gies you some recipes that me and my protein diva friends have come up with... Paula, and Susan.
And someone asked recently if they could use my protein packet for their docs office. I don't mind, but please put my name on it. I spent a lot of time preparing the material. Though I cannot take credit for the products, I would at least like kudos for compilation. thanks