Gaining weight HELP

Kathy Newton
on 2/8/08 5:00 am - LaVergne, TN

I don't know what is going but since my 2 year weigh in on January 16th, I have put on 20 lbs. I'm not eating anything I shouldn't.  But my size 6 jeans will fasten, but size 8's by the evening are cutting me into and causing such pain.  For over a year I have been between 116-120, now I'm at 140.  They have checked my thyroid, parathyroids, pancreas, liver (as I keep throwing up bile) and so far they can't figure out why I'm gaining weight and having such pain on the right side.  My once flat tummy is now getting bigger and it's only on one side.  The Dr.'s are aware that I have Abdominal Aortic Athroscelosis, a hardening of the artery in my abdomin, making my heart pound real hard and skipping beats.  I was just this week put on heart medicine to keep my heart in good running order, (sounds like a lube job).  Any suggestions to this doc Newton I would appreciate it.    As for the weight, I did real good over the holidays and didn't gain a pound, and at my weigh-in I was only 3 lbs over my normal weight. Since then I have gained 37 more pounds.   But at night I swell up so much at night that I can't stand anything fastened around my tummy.   I need your input.  Thanks Kathy Love ya all and you're in my daily prayers.

 Kathy Newton

Bob L.
on 2/8/08 5:51 am - Clarksville, TN

Hi Kathy, I wouldn't begain to guess but if the weight came on that quick and you made it thru the holidays with no gain it must be something else. Will keep you in are prayers. Keep us posted. Bob

Kathy Newton
on 2/8/08 6:05 am - LaVergne, TN
Thanks Bob, I will post when I know something.  I can already feel the swelling on my right side, and the jeans are now cutting me into.  Had to unfasten them. They don't fall down when I stand up. But  the testing continues to find a cause.  I've had blood work, MRI on my right side, more lab work, more scans.  Nothing is showing up except my heart acting up.  I know the only way I can throw up bile is from the pancreas, liver, or the main stomach. I know with cancer in my blood it's affecting all my organs.   Thanks Bob, Kathy
 Kathy Newton

Misty A.
on 2/8/08 6:40 am - White House, TN
How is your blood pressure?  I wonder if any of the medicine they now have you on is causing the swelling. You may need to go on a diratic or water pill of some sort. Hopefully, it is something that simple. I remember a pill they had put me on before surgery for my diabeties caused me to swell and gain about 12 pounds in one month. They figured out that it was that pill and put me on a water pill and I lost 15 by the next month.  Are you feeling better and eating better? I know you were having problems eating and keeping anything down. If you have started eating good agian, maybe your body is holding onto it (like in starvation mood) and it may take time for your body to adjust to that and it will come off.  I wish you well and hope they figure it out.

159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)

Kathy Newton
on 2/8/08 11:38 am - LaVergne, TN
Hi Misty, the only new medication is my heart pill and I just started that a couple of days ago. They say there's no water pill in it, but everytime I take it all I do is pee.  I am on water pills already, but can't find any cause why I swell up so much or have so much pain on the right side in the Pancreas area.   Oh I have been talking with a guy named Rick Ashworth.  He mentioned knowing a Misty at Vanderbilt having the gastric bypass.  His description of this lady sounds just like you.  Do you work at Vandy?  I still have problems eating and keeping it down, so I only eat like a bird and still get full for about 2 hours, then my stomach starts growling.  I don't have a clue what to eat right now as I just woke up from a 4 hour nap.   Again thank you Misty. Love ya, Kathy
 Kathy Newton

on 2/8/08 10:46 am - Sevierville, TN
Kathy, I am concerned about the weight gain, but not for the reason that you are.  I am concerned that it may be fluid..or edema as we in medicine call it.  Especially with the AAA.  Check with your doc asap, and you might start recording your abdominal girth a couple times a day to give the doctor some idea of what is going on as well as weigh a couple of times a day, a.m and p.m  I know this sounds contradictory, but are you getting enough fluid, or too much? Marilyn

                      Smoky Mountain Obesity and WLS Support Group 
                    1/17 6:30 LeConte Medical Center              

Kathy Newton
on 2/8/08 11:52 am - LaVergne, TN
Hi Marlyn  I know it's a lot of fluid especially around my heart, but the water pills are helping with that.  I'm getting in most of my fluids as I drink a lot of Cyrstal Lite, milk to calm my stomach in the evenings.  Water in the mornings.  My heart Dr. doesn't seem to be worried about the AAA in my abdomin.  But I wonder about it often especially since my heart pounds so hard when I am laying flat just trying to pump the blood up. It pounds like it's overworked.  I will start recording my weight and girth as you requested.  Maybe by the time I see my heart Dr. on the 12th, maybe he will be able to do something or a heart cath to check the AAA. Thank you and May God be with you always. Love Kathy
 Kathy Newton

on 2/8/08 9:56 pm - Sevierville, TN
Kathy, I would feel better if you would call you doctor before the 12th.  You might want to notify your oncologist as well. Marilyn

                      Smoky Mountain Obesity and WLS Support Group 
                    1/17 6:30 LeConte Medical Center              

on 2/8/08 10:07 pm - Nashville, TN
Marilyn,             I hope your trip to Nashville went well last night, can't wait to see you soon!!! Shelia
Kathy Newton
on 2/9/08 1:38 am - LaVergne, TN
I was at my heart Dr.'s yesterday for a scan on my legs to check for clots and to check my circulatory system in my legs. I get the results on the 12th.  I was also at my oncologist yesterday getting blood work done and a shot to build up my red cells. I see my Oncologist I think in April or May would have to look that appointment up.  When I see my heart Dr. I am going to ask for a heart cath to see if shows up anything.   Thank you for your concern. I'll post when I know the answers.  Love Kathy
 Kathy Newton

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