Gaining weight HELP
I don't know what is going but since my 2 year weigh in on January 16th, I have put on 20 lbs. I'm not eating anything I shouldn't. But my size 6 jeans will fasten, but size 8's by the evening are cutting me into and causing such pain. For over a year I have been between 116-120, now I'm at 140. They have checked my thyroid, parathyroids, pancreas, liver (as I keep throwing up bile) and so far they can't figure out why I'm gaining weight and having such pain on the right side. My once flat tummy is now getting bigger and it's only on one side. The Dr.'s are aware that I have Abdominal Aortic Athroscelosis, a hardening of the artery in my abdomin, making my heart pound real hard and skipping beats. I was just this week put on heart medicine to keep my heart in good running order, (sounds like a lube job). Any suggestions to this doc Newton I would appreciate it. As for the weight, I did real good over the holidays and didn't gain a pound, and at my weigh-in I was only 3 lbs over my normal weight. Since then I have gained 37 more pounds. But at night I swell up so much at night that I can't stand anything fastened around my tummy. I need your input. Thanks Kathy Love ya all and you're in my daily prayers.

159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)