Feb. Lunch Bunch
At this moment in time, I plan on attending the Lunch Bunch tomorrow. I am new to this as well, but have printed many recipes from others on this website and will probably bring one of them. I can't tell you what at this point. I will pick up some paper goods as well and make some un-sweet tea and Splenda. see everyone tomorrow.
Sherry M-Pleasant View, TN
I am bringing cutlery and a peanut butter pie, sugar free.
Remember, as someone who has been to one of these before, do not bring an overabundance. First, we have restricted tummies. Its easy to still think like an obese person... bringing lots of food... but trust me, we did this once before and had a ton...
Yes bring the espresso machine! I'd rather have a hot drink than food.
Evening All!
Here is the list that Beth posted the other day.
See Ya Tomorrow!
Hi Ya'll,
Here is the list of things we needed to make the Lunch Bunch a success this weekend.
Marilyn - dinner plates
Melissa - dessert plates
Cheryl - cups and 2 oz w/lids
Wendy - napkins and Splenda
Sheila - Tea & Ice
Melinda - cutlery
Jane - water & Crystal Light
Here is the list of things we needed to make the Lunch Bunch a success this weekend.
Marilyn - dinner plates
Melissa - dessert plates
Cheryl - cups and 2 oz w/lids
Wendy - napkins and Splenda
Sheila - Tea & Ice
Melinda - cutlery
Jane - water & Crystal Light