Feb. Lunch Bunch
Good Morning All!
I have a suggestion. If you are planning on coming to the Lunch Bunch tomorrow, please respond and let us know what you are bringing. I have had several request asking what everyone is going to bring. I think this will give people who have not made up thier minds, an outlook on what is needed! So, Beth and I will start: Chicken (a smattering of a couple recipes so everyone will be able to sample) Butternut squash & onions If you need directions to the church, please click on the link below. We will be meeting in the gym, so drive to the back and you will see the door. We will also have some computer tutorials going on if you are interested. As well as the clothing exchange. With this event being held at a location, instead of a resturant, you can even try clothes on in private...not the parking lot! I know some people are planning on bringing protein and mixers for some protein demonstrations. I believe the whole day is going to be wonderful and entertaining. There will be a lot more freedom to mix and mingle. And of course, we can stay as long as we need! I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow. Scott Directions to New Life Baptist New Life Baptist Church Saturday 2/9/08 Time: 1:00
Hey there Scott!
I am planning to bring Taco Soup (my current favorite meal) and a cheesecake. I will also be happy to bring 2 oz. cups and lids. Hey...is anyone bringing spoons and forks and the like? I was going to bring an espresso machine so that we could do lattes but I guess we may not need that since we don't eat and drink at the same time. What do you think? Is anyone on liquid?

Hi Scott, I was going to bring white bean chicken chili, but with my immune system low, and everyone not feeling good or have the flu, I won't be able to attend. And my white bean Chicken chili is greattttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt. I can make it up if someone in my area can take it for me. Let me know by this evening so I can get it cooked. Wish I could come, but I just had my blood work done for my leukemia and my blood counts are too low to be around people right now with the flu going around.
I truly am sorry. But if someone can email me the recipes, I would sure apprecitate it.
Love to all, Kathy