Update from Obesity Help
Lap Band, DS, Lap RNY, Gastric Sleeve . . . it shouldn't matter which surgery someone has already had or is going to have. If they have discussed the surgery types with their Doctor(s), done their research, and feel comfortable with their choice, then they should receive encouragement, support and positive vibes. I know that as I await approval and a date for my surgery, I am filled with both great anticipation and a little anxiousness. The folks here who have already had their surgeries, regardless or which type, are an inspiration for their courage and examples. They had the courage to do what it takes to live life rather than sit on the sidelines and watch it pass by.
As you are all aware, WLS is (and will be) a life-changing surgery that hopefully will help one become healthier, happier and to enjoy a fuller (no pun intended) life. Those who had, or have, the courage and guts (again, no pun intended) to "go for it" should be applauded, supported and encouraged.