Update from Obesity Help

on 2/7/08 8:55 pm - Nashville, TN
It seems that some of the forums really get tied up in promoting "Flame Wars" beteween different surgeries, as well as profanilty. .  Therefore,  OH has instituted new new items to thier repitoorie.  I thought it would be a great idea to share with my friends from this board, since they are not letting us know about it.  Below is the post from OH.  A lot of what Have a great day! Post Date: 2/7/08 12:30 pm
Last Edit: 2/7/08 12:34 pm

We released several additions to the site yesterday and I wanted to take a minute to cover some of them with you. 

Profanity Filter
The profanity filter will simply replace profanities with with asterisks (****). I am sure some of you have noticed the addition of this feature already. Is the profanity filter perfect? NO, but it will take care of the most obvious profanities and unfortunately, will sometimes include words and/or phrases that are not profanities. 

A prime example of this occurred last night with the series of words, "let it simmer." The profanity filter saw the word "tits" in the sentence and replaced the word with ****. 

let it simmer

While this situation was resolved, there are and will be other situations where this occurs. All profanity filters cause some unexpected results but for the most part the filter will work well if you choose to use it. You can select whether or not to use the profanity filter by adjusting you User Settings which can be found by looking in the left navigation column of this message board for the User Settings link.

Adding Friends
On your "My Friends" page you may now invite a new friend simply by entering their username. Of course the member you invited will still have to approve the invitation.

and last but not least.......

Move or Bump Post Feature
This feature will allow us to move message board posts which we deem to be "flaming," completely off topic, or disruptive, to a more appropriate area of the site. Now, I know none of you believe that the message boards get out of hand, but believe it or not they do :) This feature will enable us to better handle some of the problems we have had on the message boards, ensuring that ObesityHelp remains a place of support and encouragement.

In conclusion, here is a summary of how you can help better the OH community:

Don’t respond or participate in “flame wars” -Report them, don’t support them!

Don’t interact with “internet trolls”; they feed on your attention– Your best recourse is to ignore.

Don’t take other member's photos and use them to harass or mock. We do not condone this and when it is reported, removals will be made.

Don’t forget this is an all ages’ community. Flag your images appropriately and select your privacy and adult content settings to best suite your personal user experience.

Do respond to message board posts in an encouraging, informative or supportive manner. Keep in mind each person has his or her own interaction preferences.

Do utilize the block tool when need be. This is an enhancement that many requested; utilizing it is your choice. We encourage you to take the opportunity to create your own personal desired atmosphere.

Do Blog, Blog, Blog! The words you write may help to inspire and educate others. Posting your opinions there will allow people to comment to you directly.

Do submit B&A photos. Take part in sticky posts such as Post-Op Wow Moments and Who Inspires You. These are opportunities for you to share your successes.

Do enhance your profile with your experiences, add your photos, and build up your personal support network by inviting people as friends.

Jeremy Gentles, CSCS
ObesityHelp Health and Fitness Professional
[email protected]
on 2/7/08 9:59 pm - Meridianville, AL
I was really surprised to see the "my type WL surgery is better than yours" flaming going on. I just understand that mentality. The type of WLS chosen is an individual decision based on one's own particular situation, preferences and recommendations of their doctors. We are all trying to improve our health and better our lives by taking this route, which, regardless of the surgery type, is not an "easy way" by any means. This is supposed to be a site where support, information, and encouragement is found.  For the most part, it is. It's just and a shame some folks resort to the flaming and name calling, and using it as a personal war zone. I just ignore it and stay away from it. Like someone once said "Hey, can't we all just get along?"
BamaBob54    756997.jpg picture by BamaVulcan04   ROLL TIDE!!!
on 2/7/08 10:47 pm - Nashville, TN
Great response Bob!  I could not agree more, I personally don't see the reason behind "my surgery is better than your surgery".  I try to prescribe to the John Lennon frame of mind... "All we are saying is, give peace a chance" Hey, nice to see a face instead of a
on 2/8/08 11:29 am - Madison, TN
The biggest thing I want to reiterate is that there are many surgeries represented here.  We must be educated on each and recognize those among us who have had the different ones from ours.   One example is the DS surgery.  It allows people to eat and drink things that those having RNY are not able to have.  Someone new might only read the person saying "Last night i had......" and take that as an ok to have it too... causing them to be sick or have their weight loss stalled.  I believe in a place where we can all share, and celebrate together, but if it needs to be pointed out, "His surgery is different than yours... , be cautious.... know your surgery rules....."  then there is definitely a time for that.... As far as the rules, I agree there needed to be some more made.  The other boards can be very mean and ugly.  I don't go there anymore.  I think its different among us because we meet in "real life" and see one another face to face.....


on 2/8/08 6:01 pm - Nashville, TN
I could not agree with you more Melinda!  I was not trying to point out any difference in the surgeries, I was trying to let the great people from Tenn. know what is going on.  Seeing that OH did not see fit to post to our  boards the changes that were taking place.  Educating ones self to the different surgeries is what this is all about.  Educating our selves to the changes that OH is making is what this post is about!
on 2/8/08 11:04 pm, edited 2/8/08 11:31 pm - Meridianville, AL

People come here looking for insight and information concerning WLS ( just like I did). Pointing out the differences in the surgeries and life afterwards, when needed, is a necessary part of providing that.  However, in my humble opinion, the "if you don't (or didn't) have the same kind of surgery I had then you are a stupid $*!@%" is not only immature, counter-productive and destructive, it is downright annoying. And, in my opinion, it is totally uncalled for and does much more harm than good. I don't understand why one would go to another type surgery board and start disrespecting the people who have had that type surgery. It is uncalled for, IMO. Personally, I am happy for any and all who have had success with their WLS, regardless of the type they chose. I applaud them all and find inspiration and encouragement from their successes.  I hope to enjoy the same success with my surgery.  I want be successful and become an encouragement and inspiration to those who follow in their quest for a healthier and happier life.  I want to be a positive influence, not negative.  The name-calling and flaming is negative.  That's just my opinion.

BamaBob54    756997.jpg picture by BamaVulcan04   ROLL TIDE!!!
on 2/8/08 11:23 pm - Madison, TN
AMEN! There is never any reason to disrespect or flame another person.  Right?  We can agree to disagree, and do it nicely if there is something very strongly that we have opinions on.  But name calling, and being downright mean is just, well its mean! Oh by the way, welcome bamabob.  I dont think I have seen you here before.  Glad to meet you.  Hope you like it here in our neck of the forum :)


on 2/8/08 11:53 pm - Meridianville, AL
Thanks for the welcome Melinda. I was a lurker here at OH for quite a while before joining in January. I was doing research about WLS - the different types, people's experiences, etc. I had been thinking about WLS since about 2 years ago when my cardiologist actually recommended that I may want to consider it. I finally decided to go for it in September.  After extensive research, I decided on Vanderbilt. I was originally planning on having the Band, but my doctor recommended Lap RNY due to specific health issues. I figure if I trust him enough to operate on me I should trust him enough to know what type surgery is best for my particular situation - so I am having the Lap RNY.  I have learned a lot from this website and the folks here. Mostly I have learned about what I can expect pre and post op, issues that may occur following surgery, and how other folks have handled certain situations. This is an awesome site for information and for getting insight and first hand perspectives from folks who have already gone through what I am about to.  I  have also learned that I am not alone in my situation, I am not the only one who has had these issues, and that there is definitely hope and help.   Anyways, I am getting ever closer to approval and getting a surgery date so I can started on living the rest of my life - not just existing! Thanks again for the welcome!
BamaBob54    756997.jpg picture by BamaVulcan04   ROLL TIDE!!!
on 2/9/08 2:33 am - Antioch, TN
I couldn't agree more we all come here looking for support and friendship. One surgery does not fit everyone it's like saying everyone has to drive the same car??? How insane is that? I come to get encouragement and to help other people who might be going thru the same thing that I went thru. I don't understand all the "My surgery is better than yours". In my opinion it would have run me away from OH if I had been looking into getting surgery. I would have thought My God is this what WLS does to you? I never post on those flame wars because it is a waste of time, you will never convince some people so why waste your time or breath!!


on 2/9/08 3:01 am, edited 2/9/08 3:02 am - TN
I don't post very much but I know I can always visit here and not find any fighting going on.  I don't understand the 'war' going on about WLS surgery.  We each do what's best for us. I'm going to have Lapband surgery soon and I know ya'll won't blast me for this!!  I get my surgery date in 2 weeks (last Dr;s appt) My daughter has chosen Bypass and we're both very happy in our decisions.  She went to a Support group in Lebanon this week and was welcomed with open arms.  She talked to me all they way home about it. I always check in here to see how  my fellow Tennesseans are doing
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