Paperwork into Insurance company today!!!!
I received all the paperwork and sent it to Tina at Dr. Morton's office today. She faxed it to BCBS of TN. I actually can see the light now!!!! I am sooooooooooooo excited. Please pray that they approve my claim. I want to have this done!!!! I am sooo pummpppped!!!
I just had to log on and tell someone, everyone who understands!!!
Thanks for everyone's support, see some of you tonight at the Lap Band meeting at MSC.

Sherry M-Pleasant View, TN
Thanks everyone, the support is wonderful. I did make it to the support meeting tonight, just got back home. Meet a few new people, saw some I already knew. There were about 30-35 people there.
I do plan on coming to the Lunch Bunch on Saturday. I haven't decided what to make yet, but will do that tomorrow,
Looking forward to meeting more new friends,
I'll keep everyone posted on the approval process!!!

Sherry M-Pleasant View, TN
Hey Sherry!!! It was great seeing you again at the meeting last night. I just wanted to give you an official "you go GIRL!"
. I am so excited for you and just know that you will be posting your approval in no time at all. You are doing great....keep us all posted. I am not sure I will make the Lunch Bunch....we have a friend whose 12 day old baby had to be taken to Vanderbilt yesterday and then another friend who lost a loved one in the our day may be booked! If I don't see you have a great time!

It was good to see you again as well. YOU LOOK AWESOME!! HOORAH for the 82 pounds you lost. Keep up the good work.
Hope you friend's baby is better soon, and my prayers will be with all the families affected by the tornadoes on Tuesday. I am going by the store this afternoon to buy some bottled water, nutragrain bars, etc for my sister to take to the shelter in Macon County tomorrow. They are asking for this things because nobody has power. They are also asking for clothes in all sizes for folks who lost everything.
take care,
Sherry M-Pleasant View, TN