Just got back from Seeing both my sister
You'll I feel so bad, I went to check on my lil sister, she is home, though only 2 hrs sleep last night, ma said she cried, it just came back. So today Ash and I went to take her out for lunch. Much to our surprise my big sis Kathy and her daughter, they live in Lafayette,got to go too.Since they have moved I have never made it up to the place. Of course not knowing the location, I did not realize they were in the path of the tornado. Kat pulled in as we did, they are gonna stay with ma, they have no electric, heat and alot the homes around them are gone. So I treasured the lunch with my sisters. I could of lost both the same nite in different places. But the lord Blessed me, with wonderful family and friends, it only takes a blink and it can be gone. Sorry ya'll just felt like I needed to share. Thanks Hugs to all, Luv Barb

You know you are right, although I didn't eat much, I thought the company was awesome. There happened to be a lady and her son right behind us that got out from Macon Co. She was older and scared. but she lived in Red Boil'n Springs. We talked forever with her. And Kat , Heather and Ricki knew alot of the folks that she did her alot of her family lives in lafayette. I think that they needed it too. You just never know. Thank you hon. Barb
I am so glad that you got to have time with your sisters. I lost my brother in 2003 so I know the loss is great. I live about 7 to 10 miles from Union, and you are blessed to still have those girls around. Give them a big old hug and don't let it cause a catostophic event for you all to see each other again. lol
Thank you so much for you help Darlene, I will share them her. She has talked with them at Union.. I didn't realize that you lived that close. Hope all of your family kept safe. Bless your heart. And I am so sorry for the lose of you brother. I have two of thoughs too. One in gallatin, and the other in Washington State. Let your family know that you that love'em. as much as possible.
Maybe when we come that we can get together, that would great. Hugs sweetie Barb