Asking the right questions? How to find the best PS.
I looked up the plastic surgeons on this site only three listed. There is another list of doctors not registered for this site, is that "all" the PS in TN? If so I will at least know that I have all my choices right in front of me. The next question I have is what are the questions I need to ask to find the "Best" doctor for me? How did you do your research? I don't even know where to start.
How many surgeies they have done? What are the complication rate? Things like that? How in the world do you pick from 28 doctors (IF that is the entire list)?
Any help would be appreciated.Thanks
I haven't had any PS surgery yet. But when I do, if my insurance will aprove I will go to Dr. Gingrass, that is advertised on here. My mom had breast cancer and Dr. Gingrass, did a awesome job through the whole deal, reconstruction, complications and everything. She and her staff are wonderful and make you feel so special. They helped me so much while I was helping mom heal, we even had her personal cell number, which we did have to call her one night and she and her daughter was at Wal-mart and she took the time to talk to us and tell us what to do. There is also, several on the board that have had PS, so I'm sure they can give you advise/direction. I hope this little bit of information might help. I hope you find the right Dr. for you and your situation.
researching plastic surgery is a daunting task, isn't it?! I've been glued to the PS forum on OH, and have really gotten a lot of good information there. Reading people's actual experiences is very helpful I think...I consulted with Dr. Joseph Delozier, and Dr. Patrick Maxwell in Nashville. I wanted to consult with Dr. Gingrass, but she wouldn't even see me until I was two years out from surgery. I liked Dr. Delozier immediately-I guess we just clicked! He was a straight shooter. I initially asked him about doing LBL, breasts, inner thighs, and arms. He advised against doing my arms and my inner thighs-He said that the inner thigh surgery is the hardest/most painful recovery, and that the payoff for me wasn't worth the scar and/or the recovery. Dr. Maxwell was recommended to me by someone who'd heard he is top of his game-he is "world famous", has been on many "top PS in the world" lists, etc, and actually had a hand in developing the Lap-Band system for Allergan (as well as their breast implants)...I was hoping that due to his vast knowledge and his reputation, that he would just "wow" me and my decision would be made for me! that wasn't the case...I liked him just fine, but just not as much as I did Dr. Delozier, so I made a 2nd appt with him, to go back and ask a few more questions that I had thought of, and decided that he is the one I will choose to do my LBL and BA/BL...I'm in the process right now of getting the money (well, my Mom is, actually), and then I'll be able to schedule my surgery. Scary, but exciting! some of the questions I asked were about where the incision would be (especially for breasts, since there are many techniques), recovery time, silicone vs saline, under/over muscle, how implant size/profile is determined, if they use the On-Q pump, revision policy, if lipo would play a part for me, if I would need the vertical incision too for the LBL, # of drains...that's what comes to mind off the top of my head. Good luck with your decision, it's tough, especially when you're paying $75-100/each just for consults, and that's basically throwing money out the window, other than for the surgeon that you ultimately end up choosing...that's a bummer, but just part of it I guess!