Anyone live near Lebanon? - WaterAerobics?
I live in Lebanon and am wanting to star****er aerobics at the Jimmy Floyd Center but I don't really want to go by least not to start. So I was wondering if anyone here lives in or near Lebanon that would like to go to water aerobics?? I've done water aerobics before and started with a friend and she quit going and I kept it up. I would like to find someone who would like to go and keep it up. :-) Lisa
They have classes on Mond, Tue, Thurs at 6 pm and Sat at 10 am. The gym per day is $4 for aynthing, classes included. Or 10vsts is $35 or 30day pass for $45 plus you can join for 6months or a year. I figured I would just pay the $4 each time to start until I knew if I liked it and would go regularly. etc. Here is a link if you want to see about it: