Goodwill: I came, saw and conquered

on 2/2/08 2:50 pm - Madison, TN
So today was half price day.  I fared pretty well...  got a few jackets, a skirt, a pair of cordoroy pants, and an espresso machine, and a snow cone machine. Now you may be asking, "What in the world are you going to do with a snow cone machine?"  I'm glad you asked.  I wanted one last year.  I did buy some snow cone holders and straws, and two bottles of sugar free flavoring at walmart...  just too cheap to buy the machine. I shaved some ice, poured 1.5 oz of NEW WHEY GRAPE PROTEIN BULLET (half of the 42 grammer) and then also poured on some blueberry syrup (sugar free).  I had myself a yummy sugar free protein snow cone! 


on 2/2/08 3:57 pm - Nashville, TN
Okay, I am now officially jealous, I have been to four count them 1-2-3-4 different stores looking for an espresso machine with a frother after I watched you make my favorite drink!!!  Well, I did find one, but it is broken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  My luck, seems like I will have to keep looking!!! Sounds like you did a great job on your finds!! Shelia
(deactivated member)
on 2/3/08 12:28 am
Sheila, i have an inexpensive little espresso machine with a frother if you want it.  and it works. P
on 2/3/08 1:12 am - Nashville, TN
PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank You I was so excited on finding mine, but then I got home and it didn't work, boo hoo Pouty  Thanks,  Shelia
on 2/2/08 8:59 pm - Nashville, TN

Beth waited in line for an hour for one item!  We went looking specifically for a jacket for me, well nothing there that fit.  The thing with mens clothes is real simple...we wear them till they fall apart, so it is hard to find decent items at Goodwill! anyway, back to Beth.  she waited in line for 1 HOUR!!!!!!! For a Pendleton Wool Jacket.  sorry, I just don't understand!  Now if I had found a snow  cone machine...

Bob L.
on 2/3/08 1:09 am - Clarksville, TN
Scott don't you know where not suppose to understand..... But I'm with you on the snow cone machine, the great thing is one size fits all!

on 2/3/08 7:34 am - Springfield, TN

Wish I had known about the sale. I just went to wally world to buy new jeans. I could have got 3-4 pair at goodwill for what I paid for one pair at wally world. Oh well maybe next time. The protein snow cone sounds good especially when it starts getting warm outside.

on 2/3/08 8:28 am - Nashville, TN
Hey Juanita, the half price sale at Goodwill is always the first Saturday of each month, just make a mental note of it or note it so you won't miss it next time.  I started to post it, but forgot, Sorry!!
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