Men's Support Group
Notice the cool sunglasses!
Yeah, that's right, we had a great time at the first Mens Support Group meeting this morning. It was nice meeting new people and seeing old friends. We had 3 different hospitals represented, 2 different surgeries and a pre-op. I was kind of leery going into the group, but it was very enjoyable, informative, and had a very easy feeling about it. Charles Ihrig moderated the meeting and did a fantastic job keeping us testosterone rowdies in line.
Will I go back? You can bet your last dollar I will! I would definitly reccomend this group to any of the men out there. I think this is gonna turn out to be a good thing!
So guys, mark the first Sat. of each month down as the Mens Support Group. It is held at the Tace Building on the campus of Centennial Hospital @ 10:00 a.m. The next meeting will be 3/1/08
Be there or be square!