OT - Shopping in Nashville
I've got a follow-up visit with Dr H next week, and since there's basically only a WalMart in Madisonville, I want to do some shopping since I'm driving down (and I'm taking the day off work).
The only place I'm familiar with is The Opry Mills Mall and I just don't want to deal with that place.... where else is there good shopping, near Centennial would be best (but I am okay with driving around)? I know I need to get to a craft store - Micheal's, JoAnn's, Hobby Lobby, and also want to pick up some clothing...oh, and I guess I need to search for a Valentine's gift for the DH. Any suggestions on what would also be helpful......
Any help with the area would be wonderful.
Cool Springs would be my suggestion.
However, are you coming in from Interstate 65, if so Rivergate is on your way. I just think Cool Springs is easier and cleaner. Just my opinion. I am not sure it is worth driving out of the way if you are going to be heading back up Interstate 65North
Safe travels.
I agree with Pink! Green Hills Mall is very close to Centennial, as well as The Hill Center at Green Hills, which is probably 2 blocks from the mall!