Encouragement for Barb,, and other Insurance Memoirs
Well, just a word of advise thanks for making me aware of the matter, the ins.com. called Bobbie told me she had looked high and low and could not find any paperwork from Vandy. I told her it was faxed to her on the 22nd of this month also. As you said to, Bob, she said well there is nothing here. Contacts are being made to Vandy to find where did the paperwork go??? Thanks Trina for the heads up . Barb
Update, Vandy called back this afternoon, when she told me she sent off the paperwork to the insurance 01/22/08 she did, but not to BC/BS she sent it to Vandy's insurance dept.? They check it over and send it on to your insurance provider. Which with BC/BS I'm told takes 2 to 3 days to put in their system. Then they start the review process. Ms. Butler is who I've delt with she seems very good and returns calls. If you should here different Barb please let me know.
Well she advised give it a couple days then check back with your insurance provider. Cynthia wasn't sure how long Vandy's Insurance Dept. took to process before sending it on. I'm going to try and hook up the BC/BS web site so I can track it that way. If not I'll be calling monday. Good Luck Barb keep me posted.
Goodmorning Bob:
Sounds like you are on top of things.
When you said "she advised give it a couple of days then check back with your insurance provider." are you referring to Cynthia? Would Cynthia be the same person that told you give it 3 weeks?
I am not sure that I understand what Vandy's Insurance Dept. is. Maybe it is the person that submits to BC/BS all those documents and records that you worked so hard to get together like 5 years documents of physician records showing at least 100 pounds over weight for 5 years and the 6 month supervised weight loss program records that are required to be documented by a qualified doctor and your medical records showing that you have lost the required 10% of body weight and your psychological evaluation test results (that many if not most are required to pay out of pocket) that proves that you are mentally and psychologically ready for WLS and the documentation of every diet program, doctor supervised or not that you have attempted over the past 20 or 30 years to lose weight and may have been successful to lose 10 or 20 pounds only to have suffered the set back of gaining those 10 or 20 pounds back and picking up 20 or 40 additional more of their friends and the golden letter stating that in his medical professional opinion he does recommend WLS that your primary care physician finally was able to write due to his hectic schedule. Those are only the documents that come to mind at the moment however I know there are more that you worked so hard to get.
With that being said I am positive that if you ask the lady at Vandy or the WLS program coordinator or maybe the lady at the switchboard there when you go in for you appointments, ask for the name of the person that pushes the SEND button on the fax machine and what their extension number is, they would have no problem giving you that information. I think the minute you hear that "yes" it has been faxed, the more confident you are going to feel when you check with the insurance company to make sure they have received it.
Freddie was correct when she said "You are the insurance premium payer", same thing with the doctor/surgeon patient relationship, you pay for the services rendered. That is why they have a staff to handle the paper work part of the "business" so that they can stick to what they do which is medicine. A portion of your doctor office visit fee is to pay the wages of a staff to assist you when you need assisting, not the other way around. Now the only thing we have to do is remember when we talk to these people we do not remind them of this fact. We should treat them with respect and dignity that they deserve just like you and me or any other human being on the planet. There is nothing worse than when I witness someone pointing their finger into the chest of a city, county or government employee in anger saying "I pay your salary buddy" when they are angered over a citation they received or something that didn't go "their way." I think we could certainly apply the old adage here that you can attract more bee's with honey than you can vinegar. Always just keep your cool (even though you are raging angry inside) and be very polite and if they don't have an answer for you just politely tell them okay I understand and I look forward to speaking with you again in about an hour to find out my status at that time oh and by the way you look marvelous today.....LOL You would be surprised at how much you get done then....
Bob, I wanted to tell you like I want to tell Barb and everyone else in your shoes or approaching to be in your shoes, I think this part of the process is by far the worst. This time between submitting and approval. Maybe it is because we have decided to take control, take control of our health, our bodies, our self image and this part of the process we are completely at the mercy of others. We have absolutely no control. But the support board is here for you....
Julie, When we settle this, can you start working on the cost of gas. I would like to turn you loose on BIG OIL! Just kidding it is a little frustrating.
Cynthia is the one who stated originally to give it 2 to 3 weeks. She is the person described as the insurance lady for the weight lost dept.. She probable could have explained the process alittle better, but in her defense they are going through some appearant changes and she could be simply over extended. Not trying to make excuses for anyone.
Yes I should have probably asked Cynthia who my info was forwarded to, but didn't. The way I understand it as of now Cynthia collects the info puts it all together and fowards it to the main insurance dept at Vandy, they look it over check the T's & I's and then they pass it onto the insurance provider. In my case BC/BS where Cynthia as well as the Girl from BC/BS stated it takes apx. 2 days for them to get in their system. At which time a claims officer reviews your case and makes a decision to grant the surgery claim or deny it.
To be frank the gal at BC/BS didn't leave me with a warm and fuzzy feeling she knew what she was doing? I had spoke with another gal about a month ago name Erica with BC/BS who seemed to be very sharp. So I had planned to give it a couple days either friday or monday and try to speak with Erica or get connected with BC/BS web site like you suggested where I wouldn't have to rely on anyone and could simply pull up the screen and track the progress myself. Can't allow ourselfs to get frustrated nor should we just rollover, but as you stated "Easier To Get Flys With Honey". I know this will work out. Hope this is as clear as mud.
Its Fri. morn. and couldn't wait til tues. so I called. Cynthia had to leave a message, so I'm wait'n again for her to call me back. To see if she can check or tell us how to follow the paper trail. Bob did she tell you how? Hugs to all Barb Just gotta add on, just gotta a call from Cynthia, she said that by now my paperwork should be in the hands of my insurance company. And she was fix'n to contact Bobby to follow up with her. HEHEHE. Roll ON!!!