Update on me.

Brenda H.
on 1/29/08 9:42 am, edited 1/29/08 9:42 am - APO-AE , Germany
Hello everyone. Just wanted to update you all on my progress.  I did the rehab thing and am doing so much better. I have lost a total of 112lbs so far. I am so excited about it. I am also even already looking into plastics. Just preparing myself for the costs when I am ready. I think the main things I want to get done are the tummy, breasts and arms. I have bat wings and  hate them!!!!  I am now into a size 12. In just tried on some of those yesterday and to my surprise they fit so I bought a couple new pairs of levis. Never could wear that brand before. Hubby is deploying next week for 17 - 18 months so when he gets back I will look totally different!!! I am stressed about that but I know it is his job. It will be very hard without him here but I will manage.  I want to thank everyone that has helped me over the past couple of months. You all are an inspiration to me.    When is the next Lunch bunch and where? If hubby has left by then I will try my hardest to be there. I want to meet the ones that I haven't met yet and see the ones I have.  Hope you all have a good night. Oh yeah Shelia.....  CONGRATS on the score in your class!!!! Brenda

I set myself a new goal. I can do it! I am going to do it!!!!


Elizabeth O.
on 1/29/08 9:51 am - nashville, TN

Good Evening Brenda! The next Lunch Bunch is Saturday Feb 9 at 1:00 p.m.   Look for an upcoming post about it.  I will post soon with all of the details. Beth

F.R.O.G.  -  Fully Rely on God!  For He IS GOOD!  


Kathy Newton
on 1/29/08 11:57 pm - LaVergne, TN
Hi Brenda, congrads on the weight loss.  I love wearing Levi Straus. They are so comfortable.  I am so proud of you.  I will keep you and DH in my prayers as he deploys. Being in the military and so wa my first husband, I hated it when he would have to go to see. But having two toddlers around sure helped me get thru each day. Love ya, keep up the great work.
 Kathy Newton

Truly Trina
on 1/30/08 2:36 am - Nashville, TN
Brenda, It is so good to see you post.  I admire your courage.   Congarats on the weight loss... That is fantastic....  Just wanted you to know you are very special and never never never forget that.....

   Trinafat05-19-06-1.jpg 100 x 75 picture by trina_davis_photoTrinaandBobbieJuly2008-1-2-1-1.jpg 63 x 100 picture by trina_davis_photo*Member of Student Dietetics*  *Certified support group leader Obesity Help*  Patient Rep support group moderator Vanderbilt Center Surgical Weight Loss
Start weight 277    Reached my goal weight 115



on 1/30/08 7:23 am - Goodlettsville, TN
Howdie Brenda sending a little cheer hon, hugs MySpace GraphicsMySpace Graphics
Elena Dench
on 1/30/08 1:19 pm - La Vergne, TN
Hi Brenda,   I'm so glad you followed through on your rehab.  Just remember to work what you've been taught and don't hesitate to get help when you feel yourself sliding again.  I'm proud of your progress, both with rehab and your weight loss.  Keep up the great work and know that we are all here for you and you won't be alone when your hubby ships out!    

~~Elena     WLS date: May 8, 2007
272/195(pre-preggo)/211(at delivery)/188(current)/140   

***Mommy to beautiful baby boy***
Gabriel Skye Dench, 4/30/08, 6lb 6.4oz, 19.5in

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