Our Feb. get together at Scott & Beth's church
Ok on the day we all get together, my mother gave me a whole trunk load of clothes... sizes 10, 12. she gave me like 5 bags.... I hope they fit some people cause they are really good... most I helped her pick out. I used to go shopping with her and pick out her outfits...
I can't wait to get together. I guess I am going to bring peanut butter pie
Misty, are you going to bring the low carb pizzas?
Is this the peanut butter pie from bariatriceating.com? I have always wanted to try that!!! I haven't decided what I'm bringing yet. I had thought about bringing stuff for espresso. Is anyone going to be on liquids or should I just save that for another day? Opinions please. Freddie Oh by the way...I hope that my friend George (newbie) and his wife Sherry will be able to come. George is a pre-op currently jumping though insurance hoops.