Guess What???? Good News

on 1/29/08 2:33 am, edited 1/29/08 2:37 am - Goodlettsville, TN
I know you are hon, I can't wait to sit on that bench with with you. Maybe  we can get a swing? Ya think? How exciting, but scary keep ya updated hon.  Hugs sweetie. Barb -Glitters
on 1/29/08 2:53 am - TN
Hi Barb, You'll be in my prayers for a speedy approval.  It's best to call to make sure that they'be received all the paperwork.  You know how it is sometimes when there's alot of hands touching so much paperwork.  Sometimes it does get misplaced.  I would check just to be on the safe side and to make myself feel better about things.  Let us know as soon as you hear something tho.  You are good about helping others and we would like to do the same for you. Hugs, Tammy P 526/253.6 This Band Rocks!!!
on 1/29/08 6:34 am - Goodlettsville, TN
Thank you so much Tammy, I really appreciate your insight,  Didn't think about that, but come to think about it Scott had some issues to that effect. Yea maybe should make some phone calls. Thanks hon. Sometimes it takes some lil pushes for me to move. Barb MySpace GraphicsMySpace Graphics
Misty A.
on 1/29/08 4:23 am - White House, TN
Congrats Barb on the getting it submitted. That was a big step. I know the waiting is torture. i can't believe they told you not tocall your insurance co. I called everyday. Sometimes twice a day! I was really impatient. Because once they do approve it, they have to mail out the letter nad blah blah blah. Who wants to wait for all of that when you can find out the same day the approve it in their system. I also wanted to make sure they received everything. That was why I started calling. So, if you want to call, feel free. Vandy will never know. . Heres hoping you get a quick approval!

159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)

on 1/29/08 6:35 am - Goodlettsville, TN
Thanks Misty, I tell ya, they got me so confused, I not sure with her bein' new if she has ever worked in this field area before. I don't know. I know that Jennifer was aware of the patience do'n this , this way. I am not so sure about her. Surely it wouldn't hurt to get aleast an update.  I am gett'n to be a eager Big girl now. I am not sure who to call. Let me see what to do.  Hugs Barb MySpace GraphicsMySpace Graphics
Cheryl P.
on 1/29/08 10:40 am - Antioch, TN
Well, DUH we told you it would get here......LOL. Like many others have said I would call just to make sure. You hang in there and keep your chin up and if you need help keeping it up just let us know and we will help ya. Cheryl



on 1/30/08 2:22 am - Goodlettsville, TN
Hey sweetie I call, got voice mall, wait'n for them to call back, they will. I have to positive, thank so much ya'll. MySpace GraphicsMySpace Graphics
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