No one told me
You know how much I love each and everyone!! I had that Sleep Study last Nite, My last test, OH NO!!!!! I am so Clostraphobic(sp) I looked like spiderman from the backside
the more I move the more I got pulled back, It was so aweful, and then I the mess in my hair and face yuke. Who on earth came up that test, not my friend, I still have that mess in my hair . I washed it and washed, but it still fells like that guk is there. Hugs Barb

Hi Barbara, I know what you mean. I've had sleep apnea since 2000, just prior to my surgery I had a level test and had to go from a c-pap to a bi-pap with oxygen. My level was high risk as it was 18 with 2 litters of oxygen. Eight months after surgery they did another sleep study, and I have no trace of sleep apnea, but I still have to use oxygen at night as it drops too low when I am in a deep sleep. I would take a warm cloth before I left the sleep center to try and scrub some of the glue out and off my face. But it does shower out when you wash your hair. If they determine you have sleep apnea, then you will have to go back and be hooked up again for a level test for the c-pap. Think positive though, when you have your surgery and lose some weight, after about 6 months, you may have to have another study and maybe able to no longer have to wear the mask for the C-Pap. I wish you all the best.
May God travel with you on this new journey.

I felt sure I was getting HBO from all the wires. It is hard to sleep with all those wires. I had one study about 6-7 months out, half the wires came off the leads, but they never put them back on. So it was inconclusive. I had to wait another month to have it repeated but at a different center, there if a wire came off, they put it back on immediately. I did manage to get some sleep that night, but didn't at the first center. They couldn't even register a snore from me. Yepee, no more machine, I felt like I had died and gone to heaven. I was so tired of having to wear that mask. Best birth control ever made. LOL
Always, Kathy

I haven't gone far. I just have been so stressed out lately that i log on that much. I have been having some pancreas problems, had an MRI last Friday and get the results tomorrow afternoon. My heart is pounding to hard when I lay down because I have what is called Abdominal Aortic Athroscelosis harding of the arteries in the abdomine area making my heart work harder to pump the blood to the lungs and heart. I have to see my heart Dr. in the morning. I haven't been able to pay my rent, so I go to court on Friday to be evicted. They want $900 for rent, court costs, their attorney fees, and ligigation taxes. I missed being able to pay in November as I didn't have enough for the rent. When I went to pay a portion of November with December's rent, they wouldn't take it, same as in January. I don't know if I will have 10 days or 30 days to vacate. But I don't have the kind of money they are talking about. they can't touch my bank account because it's 2 federal disability checks, nothing in my home is worth that amount, and my van has a loan on it.
I have had 3 surgery dates for my herinated disks in my neck post-poned until I see a pain specialist. The pain specialist won't see me until after the surgery. Catch 22. So you can see why I have been stressed out. It's a wonder i haven't cracked up yet.
Just realize, having the sleep study is one more step towards your ultimate goal of becoming a loser.
Love ya

Had I known you were having your study I would have been the first to tell you how uncomfortable it is. I don't think I ever went to sleep with all those wires stuck to me. Sorry you had a miserable experience but it's over now and you survived. Hopefully you will never have to do that again. {{ Hugs}}
You know I think you are right, I asked her if I slept? She said yes. At one point I raised up and all those wires it was such a mess. I am sorry I thought you heard me talk'n about it be'n the last of my clearances. Hon I can't say I wasn't warned about some wires, but I didn't think so many. They need to make a change, I have scrubed my face and washed my hair, but I still feel like there is some of that gunk in there. But the girls were real sweeties. I find out the results on Tues. of next week. Hugs sweetie.
I've had the sleep study done twice, too. Once to diagnose, the other to get my settings on a CPAP machine. i have used it since the end of July and it has helped SO much.
I know the testing is uncomfortable, but if you need it, it will make the world of difference for you.
I have (had) fibromyalgia and have not had to take one supplement, one sleeping pill, or any pain pills since about 6 weeks after starting on my cpap. you have to "mind over matter" it - and realize that if you have sleep apnea, and do not treat it - it will make your recovery MUCH harder. On the flip side, if you treat it, it will be like night and day in your recovery!
If your study came back that you do,indeed, have sleep apnea, Please, PLEASE follow through with the settings study - it's just one night! You can do it! and then be as faithful with that machine as you will be with your liquids and protein after WLS. It's all for your health! You need to get that restorative, repairative sleep! And with any luck, once you've had your surgery, you won't need the cpap anymore. I've heard of that lots of times. I haven't been re-tested yet, but probably will soon. I just keep using the machine until then!
To your health --- even if it's not fun, it's worth it!
~ Tara