Another new recipe!
It seems like we are forever looking for a cake that would suffice our needs. Well, I think I found one that fit my needs! You see, tomorrow is my FIL's birthday. We had dinner over there tonight, but he said since Beth and I had had surgery, there was no need for a cake. Well, excuse me, how can you sing Happy Birthday with no cake. So a searching I went. Scanning thousands, maybe hundreds, OK, just a couple of web pages till I found the perfect cake. It turned out great, the numbers are no to out of line, and my FIL loved it. That's all I cared about!
So, here is the link to :
Died and gone to heaven chocolate cake!
Now I have to add my discalimer:
"If you are on a liquid diet, step away from the computer screen!" Food porn ahead!
Hope you have a great day!
Just thought I'd throw this out there....Pillsbury makes a reduced sugar cake mix....depending on your sugar tolerance (9 grams/serving), it is pretty good. I've had it on one occassion. You can substitute unsweetened applesauce for the oil to cut out some of the fat. You can find the rest of the nutritional info below: .aspx?catID=254&prodID=770
I would recommend this for only a special occassion treat :-)