OK in just a few hours
I finally have my theme on my website..
I did put the protein packet on it... Its still got to be re-edited...
Please be kind! I am so lost. I just put on some blogs and will need some help so bad!
But its not at all what i have in my minds eye of what will be there....
but thought you would want to see what my theme looks like
Scott its a template theme uploaded by a friend of mine... who does not have time to help me.. hint hint... so Yes I do need your help. I dont know how to do these things, but I kind of have an idea in my head how I want it to look... I just need to adjust the columns, etc. He said this is a very narrow layout so will probably need to choose another... Ideas? I love this one. I just need the columns wider, and the font to be bigger.
Plus, I tried to add a new page. I want all blogs on one page, a home page with an intro, all pics on another page... all news events, etc. I dont necessarily like "categories". And how can you get it to do sub categories...?