Family - can't live with em... can't live w/o em
I've been throwing an idea around in my head for awhile... Ever since I saw all the great stuff that Scott does on his blogspot... so I called my brother asking if he can help me start a site... what do you do? Can you buy a cheap program that will let you style your page, then upload it? I don't know html, I can't even put my avatar on OH! For crying out loud!
Anyway... he starts asking me if I can gain ten pounds. I asked "What?" He said last time I saw you, you were too thin. I said, Well my doctor says I can weigh this much. And he goes on and on, saying why can't you just gain ten pounds? Then he wants to know... how much did you weigh before surgery? I said 251. He asked how much I weigh now. 118-120. He said, "You have lost.... (while he figures it up) 132 lbs! You have lost more than half of your body weight." I said, Yes that is true... He said "So why can't you just gain back 10 lbs?" and went on to inquire whether or not I felt good! Yes, I feel wonderful!
I tried to tell him that the reason he thinks I look thin is because he is used to seeing me so overweight for many years. AND, reminding him that I did weigh 5 lbs, 2 oz when I was born... and I am supposed to have a small build like our father, but who would have ever known? lol. I guess I need to add him to my blog, and send out a daily list of food I ate, that way he won't worry! Jeesh!
Have not gotten there yet as you know, but I am sure it will come around. You are right when others are use to seeing us large, it is hard for them to actually accept when we are of a normal healthy weight!! Keep on looking as beautiful as you already are and you will be just fine, if you do not feel that you need to gain and neither does your doctor's then you are exactly where you need to be and you know that!! He will come around, it is just one of those things that we will all need to face. GRRRR..... I know how frustrating comments can be from family, you can get through it, I have all the faith in you!! I am glad that you shared this with us, because we need to hear it ALL and you are further in your journey than most and to know you still face issues will help us when we get there and together we can all get through it!!

It's official. I am now the proud owner of my own .com belongs to me. I asked my brother to help me, and he refused. He said as a "professional" that he would not have hs name on a website called Recoveringfatty.
People just do not understand do they? He got a big hoot when I said it. He laughed so hard on the phone that it about burst my eardrum. I said WELL THATS WHAT I AM!
Well hon, Be proud of yourself, that is the first person that you must be pleased with. Then asked your doc, what he think, I am sure he would of said something by now if he would of thought something was wrong. Let it roll hon !!!! I got a aunt on my dad's side all she can say is your a porker. So wouldn't you know when my ma's sister passed she was the only aunt from my dad's side that showed up. Low and behold I didn't have much to say to her. I have large shoulders and they were alot cold that day to her. I think she got the hint. We are just so proud of ya hon. You go girl!!! Hugs Barb
I haven't got to that point yet, either. But when I was home last weekend, eveyone kept saying "you don't even look pregnant". I kept saying I did and that they were just used to seeing me fat. They had not seen me after loosing 80 pounds before having a baby bump. Oh well, a couple were actually complimentary about it though. My sister said she was bigger than me at four months and I'm six months.
I think everyone who looses weight, no matter how they do it, go through having people say they look too thin, gaunt, skinny, etc. They just have to get used to the new you!! I think you look fantabulous!!!!!!

~~Elena WLS date: May 8, 2007
272/195(pre-preggo)/211(at delivery)/188(current)/140
***Mommy to beautiful baby boy***
Gabriel Skye Dench, 4/30/08, 6lb 6.4oz, 19.5in