Thanks everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks to everyone that responded to my last post about finding a dog. We found one and we are leaving in a couple hours for Crump to meet our little girl she is a white Maltese. She is 2 years old, we thought we wanted a puppy but the breeders want to much money so we looked at all the on line shelters and found this one. I think of her as a belated birthday gift (Tuesday). So many thanks everyone. Lee Lee
Beth Cump Is by Savahan excuse the spelling. We think she is going to be big enough to walk with us we are old and my legs are short so she should be able to keep up. We had a very young pup follow us for a few days until we quit going that way. we do 4 miles most days about the only thing that stops us is rain and high winds when it is cold. Everyone around here knows us as the couple that walks the road all the time. I've made nice friends that way.
I'm still losing weight in spurts. Nothing for awhile and then I will knuckle down and lose a few pounds. I'm down to 159 lbs a total 0f 81 lbs 36 before surgery and 45 lbs since Oct 1 not to shabby for my heigth 4' 11" and age 67. Take care and I will try to post some pictures one of these days. Birdy